Columbine Genealogy!
Columbine has a new logo! Many of you know that we have been working hard to keep our organization vital and to give it a clean, new, modern look.
From now on, we will be known as Columbine Genealogy. We filed papers with the Colorado Secretary of State in 2024 so we can be known by this name, but we have not abandoned our original name. Our formal corporate name will continue to be Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc.
And we have a new logo! After many planning and design meetings, the new design was approved unanimously by the board last August. We shared this now logo with the world in September 2024.
We also had a lovely big cake for those who joined us in person, designed by local cake genius Dy Manelis. Yay Dy!
We continue to offer meetings in-person and by Zoom. We have a lot coming up in Programs and Education. Take a look at our Calendar page, and join us!
Members are our greatest asset. Please consider volunteering with us by contacting our president, Sean McGuire, at We hope to see you soon at a meeting.
Meeting Information
PROGRAM MEETINGS are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 8545 E. Dry Creek Rd., Centennial, Colorado. Program meetings are also offered via Zoom.
SKILL SESSIONS are generally held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Most are held via Zoom only. Check the Calendar for details on specific classes. Also check out our members-only “special interest groups (SIGs).”
Members will automatically receive a Zoom link 24 to 48 hours before the event.

VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT OUR MEETINGS. Guests who want to attend by Zoom can request a Zoom link by sending an email at least a day ahead to, or by registering your name and email. Your info will be added to our email communication list for future meetings.
Columbine Membership
Take a look at Columbine Friends Corner, our membership software. If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2025, please check it out!
Columbine Friends Corner is for nonmembers too. When you register your name and email, we will send you information about meetings, including Zoom links.
If you prefer to pay by check, print the Columbine Membership Form and send it in with your check. If you pay by check, please go to Columbine Friends Corner to create an account and look around.
Upcoming Events at Columbine
Check out our Calendar page to see upcoming meetings and speakers.