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Littleton United Methodist Church of Littleton, Colorado, 1894-1985 - an indexed every-name abstract of original records: baptisms, marriages, deaths, preparatory and full members, including a history of the congregation, 1890-1996. Doris Farmer Hulse, director, Church record preservation project.

Published by Columbine Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc., Littleton, Colorado, 1996, 430pg, OCLC 36418467


The church project included three other churches, Saint Paul's & Saint Timothy's Episcopal Parishes, First Presbyterian Church of Littleton and St. Mary's of Littleton Catholic Church.

The digital databases that were the basis for these publications were not able to be saved but the indexes for the Episcopal, Methodist and Presbyterian churches have been reproduced and made available on the Columbine WebSite.


The books have been purchased by a number of libraries. The libraries that have this book can be viewed at:

 The books are also housed in the Littleton United Methodist Church. Help from Columbine Queries staff can also be obtained. Go to Columbine Home and then Queries.


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