Our President

Greetings from Columbine President Sean McGuire

Photo of Sean McGuire


Welcome to Columbine Genealogy. This organization has been in existence more than 50 years now, and we’re still going strong. Our strength is in our membership. The trend over the last few years, in non-profit organizations, has been a reluctance of members to get involved. Fortunately, we’ve had some of our members step up and volunteer for important positions.

Columbine is unique in that we have focused on history as well as genealogy. We’ve always been located in the south suburban metropolitan area of Denver, with alliances with Bemis Public Library in Littleton, Englewood Public Library, and the Western History & Genealogy Section of the Denver Public Library.

Non-members are always welcome to our meetings. Stay a while – you might find a friend here at Columbine. Welcome.

Sean McGuire