Sand Creek Massacre, 140, 338
sanitarium – Ponce de Leon Chalybeate Springs, 163
school districts –
Acequia, 381
Bear Canon, 381
Bijou Basin, 381
Castle Rock, 381
Dry Creek, 381
Franktown Township, 381
Horse Creek, 381
Huntsville, 381
Jarre Canon, 381
Kelly’s, 381
Larkspur, 381
Pioneer Township, 381
Platte, 381
Platte Canyon, 381
Plum Creek, 381
Pratt, 381
Rattlesnake, Elbert County, 375
Roxborough, 381
Stone Canyon, 381
Sugar Creek, 381
Sylvia, 381
school lunch program, 384
school – non public, Freedom, 382
school- parochial, Douglas County Christian
Academy, 383
school principal, Jack Williams, 310
school superintendents –
Ball, Frank, 13, 139, 368
Baumunk, Lowell, 366
Bennett, Elizabeth, 35
Heath, (Dr.), 399
Hier, (Mrs) Robert, 14, 149
Lamb, Grace, 149, 184
Poupprit, Shirley Fletcher, 233
school teachers -
Alderman, Julia, 285
Alfred, (Mrs), 139
Allis, Bertha, 372
Ammons, Annie, 12
Farita Hazeltine [Polhamus], 12
Gwendolin, 12
Theodosia, 12
Anderson, (Mrs) Hilda, 84, 233
Hilda Carlson, 5, 41
Arfsten, Irene, 11, 27
Aulsebrook, Lena, 160
Ball, Frank D., 13, 68
Ball, Ruth, 14
Barker, Ella, 25
Beach, Lowell Beach, 215
Beach, Virginia Parsons, 215
Bean, Gertrude, 16
Margaret, 16
Maybelle Ratliff, 285
Beardsley, Rose, 350
Bennett, Coit, 29
Bennett, Edna, 160
Benton, Stella, 25
Berry, John, 182
Best, Grace, 29
Billings, Nell, 139
Bott, (Mrs), 172
Boughton, Cheryl Lynne, 32
Brandebery, (Mr), 41, 233
Bryan, Gary, 175
Karen McKinster, 175
Burton, Judy Beach, 215
Clow, Mildred, 231
Colley, Claudine, 310
Conrad, Grace, 28
Cooper, (Miss), 139
Cox, (Miss), 172
Crawford, Sadie, 139
Cudmore, Margaret Dillon Cudmore, 135
Curtis, Henry H. “Bud”, 69
Doyle, Edna Jean, 188
Dumler, Sylvia, 41
Dummler, (Mrs), 84
Ehmann, Rudolph, 172
Eisnach, Jeanette, 48
Fletcher, Shirley Poupprit, 150, 233, 388
Freed, (Mrs), 139
Gassmann, Andy, 99
Greenleaf, John, 306
Grigs, Edgar Walter, 102
Hansberry, Phyllis Johnson, 129
Harcourt, Esma, 109
Haseltine, (Mr), 82
Helmer, (Mrs) George, 25
Hiddinga, Jerry, 116
Hier, (Mrs) Robert, 14
Hier, Robert N., 14
Hill, Amy,193
Hill, Elizabeth, 194
Hillingshead, C. A., 350
Hissom, (Mrs), 76
Hornsten, Ethel, 222
Howell, Bertha E., 199
Jacobson, (Mr), 76
Johnson, Gladys, 129
Johnson, Lauretta M. Yates, 131
Jones, Marie Jones, 135, 136
Kelty, Christopher, 37
Kincaid, Carolyn Klug, 142
Klug, Jim, 142
Kouba, Leota, 293
Kuegster, (Mrs), 76
Kyser, (Mr), 233
Lamb, Grace, 149, 216
Lambert, Iva, 27, 311
Larreau, Dean, 157
Doris B., 157, 158
Larson, Wally, 369
Lendrum, Mattie V., 109
Lewis, Esther C., 165
Lowell, Jean, 320
Manzanares, Wayne, 369
McCall, Donald, 122
JoAnn Hickman, 122
McGuchen, (Miss), 172
McKinister, Dorothy, 122
McKinster, Gary K., 175
Mary M. Kurth, 174
McWilliams, (Mrs), 149, 234
Messing, Gladys, 6
Meyer, Joseph Michael, 183
Ruby Morrelli, 182, 184
Susan Lisle, 183, 184
Meyers, Ella, 41, 233
Miller, Maggie Miller, 139
Moore, Jenny, 141
Myers, (Mrs), 84
Neal, Mary Gene Neal, 30
Null, (Prof.), 139
Obrien, Ella Noe, 149
Onsteen, Mildren, 215
Palmer, Lorinda Elizabeth, 100
Parker, Leah, 372
Parker, Susie, 139
Parsons, Laura, 215
Polhamus, Alonzo Frank, 12, 230
Pond, Bright, 263
Pont, Georgia, 163
Ratliff, Maybelle Clare, 17
Riley, Anna Coreene, 102
Robinson, Beaulah, 160
Roehling, Amelia, 294
Ryan, Frances, 379
Smith, Mary, 179
Stratton, Priscilla, 210
Theriault, Raoul N. “Terry”, 285
Tintle, Mary, 286
Ward, (Prof.), 139
Ward, J. J., 108
Weiman, Emma, 350
Weir, Jerrith Hiddinga, 116
Wheeler, Leah, 114, 299
Whitmore, Gwendolyn, 327
Wiley, (Miss), 139
Williams, H.H., 310
Wolfensberger, Alice, 75, 172
Wright, Essie E., 3
Wyatt, Mike, 324
Zweiaker, Edna, 174
schools- (pre) –
Christian Day Care Center, 383
Day Care & Learning Center, Parker, 383
Discovery Learning Center, Parker, 383
Hillside Country Day, 383
Joy Lutheran Church Day Care & Pre-School, Parker, 383
Little Bears’, 383
Mrs Lloyd 383
Red River Valley Center, Parker, 383
The Learning Place, Sedalia, 383
schools -
Acres Green, 367, 371
Allison, 163, 207, 367, 373
Arapahoe County 242
Arapahoe High, 193
Ash Grove, 315
Aurora Central, 99
Barnum, Denver, 76
Bear Creek, 40, 71, 230
Bear Valley High, 218
Bergen Park, 381
Bijou Basin, 27
Brown, 370
Buffalo, 230
Buffalo Creek, 12
Byers Junior High, 58
Calhan, 114
Caliche High, 132
Cantril, 17, 182, 229, 396
Cantril Elementary, 367, 368
Cantril Street, Castle Rock, 195
Castle Rock, 66, 322, 387
Castle Rock Elementary, 18, 40, 135, 285, 369, 379, 396
Castle Rock High, 53, 73, 108, 127, 129, 181, 189, 216, 218, 222, 237, 295, 302, 310, 367
Castle Rock Junior High, 41, 60, 175, 182, 285, 292, 369, 376
Cedar Grove, 367, 379, 381
Cherry, 90, 100, 233, 254, 378, 379
Cherry Creek, 5, 165, 166, 268
Cherry Creek (Arapahoe County), 146
Cherry Creek High, 53
Cherry Valley, 7, 127, 190, 254, 295, 367, 378, 379, 387
Coal Creek, Arapahoe County, 5
Collbran Union High (Mesa County) , 134
Columbine, 367, 378
Columbine High, Littleton, 136
Cope, 210
Curtice, 239
Deer Creek, 40
Denver Cosmetology 70
Denver East High, 48
Denver Public 242
Dewey, 243, 251, 252
District 13, 167
Douglas County High, 1, 11, 14, 16, 17,23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 40, 48, 53, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 83, 85, 95, 98, 99, 116, 120, 122, 128, 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 142, 147, 149, 151, 157, 168, 169, 174, 175, 177, 179, 182, 184, 190, 191, 195, 204, 205, 206, 211, 213, 215, 221, 226, 234, 242, 251, 252, 254, 260, 268, 271, 275, 276, 277, 279, 282, 283, 285, 296, 303, 313, 316, 23, 325, 367, 369
Douglas County Junior High, 38, 174, 296, 303, 326
East Cherry, 160, 244, 285, 286, 367, 378, 379
East High, Denver, 103, 215, 285
Eastonville, 119
Elbert, 60
Elizabeth Grade, 129, 387
Elton, 159
Emily Griffiths Opportunity School, 66
Englewood High, 190
Fairview, 141
Flintwood, 5, 302, 311, 367, 374, 380
Fonder, 34, 131, 165, 179, 245, 296, 297, 299, 367, 373
Fonder residence, 365
Franklin, Denver, 189
Franktown, 47, 137, 174, 177, 181, 182, 301, 302, 379, 380, 387
Franktown Elementary, 138, 157, 303
Gann, 57, 125, 128, 147, 149, 182, 192, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 283, 319, 372
Gerber Creek, 68
Glade, 367, 377
Glen Grove, 29, 95, 136, 139, 182, 265, 272, 279, 280, 281, 311,345, 367, 378
Goldale, 6, 157, 181, 182, 379, 380, 311
Gove Canyon, 72
Greeley High, Greeley, 28
Greenland, 23, 204, 205, 282, 367, 377
Greenland Grade, 119, 120
Griffith Boy’s, 377
Guffie, 149
Happy Canon District 28, 148
Happy Canyon, 5, 248, 268, 370
Harmon Bromlee, 316
Hill Top, 5, 53, 55, 129, 174, 367, 373, 399
Hilltop Joint District #30, 133
Horse Creek, 230
Idalia High, 38
Indian Creek, 25
Indian Park, 8, 38, 128, 161, 226, 274, 275, 370
Irving, 126, 295, 367, 379,
Jarre Canyon, 188
Jarre Creek, 38, 268, 275, 324, 371
Kelly’s, 397
Ken Caryl Junior High (Jefferson County), 136
Lake Gulch, 306, 367, 399
Larkspur, 5, 11, 23, 35, 41, 83, 116, 120, 149, 172, 230, 237, 238, 279, 281, 282, 311, 367, 369, 377, 387
Larkspur Elementary, 29, 135, 191, 233, 234, 282, 325, 326
Larsen’s, 381
Lewis Palmer High, Monument, 172, 281
Little Bear’s Pre-School, 276
Littleton, 230
Littleton Elementary, 16
Littleton High, 50, 71, 159, 222, 239
Lone Star, 183
Lone Tree, 13, 24, 72, 73, 103, 142, 155, 172, 198, 277, 287, 367, 378
Longfellow, Denver, 152
Louviers, 16, 57, 135, 136, 159, 168, 169, 233,323, 367, 372, 287
Lower Lake Gulch, 379
Manhart Ranch, 365
Manual High, Denver, 218, 286
Manuel Training High, Denver, 152, 153
McIntyre, 38, 179
Melvin, Arapahoe County, 5
Montessori, Castle Rock, 384
Monument, 387
Monument High, 94, 287, 387
Mountain View, 376
New Franktown, 367
New Union School House, 350
Normandy Elementary, 136
North Denver High, 16, 58, 313, 314
North Junior High, Colo. Springs, 119
Northeast, 380
Northeast Elementary, 375, 376
Northeast Elementary/Mountain View, 373
Northridge Elementary, Highlands Ranch, 367, 371
Oaklands, 61, 63, 66, 69, 70, 71, 109, 275, 367, 377, 378
Old Franktown, 367
Old Parker School, 367
Otis Grade, 183
Palmer High, Palmer Lake, 119, 310
Palmer Lake Elementary, 29
Parker, 27, 53, 60, 131, 163, 165, 174, 177, 207, 213, 233, 245, 259, 267, 381, 387
Parker Consolidated, 54, 131, 206
Parker High, 53, 122, 190, 302, 310, 369, 373, 374, 375
Parker Junior High, 367, 376
Parker Pine Lane Elementary, 54
Pine, 120, 230
Pine Grove, 135, 160, 381
Pine Lane, 376
Pine Lane I, 367, 376
Pine Lane II, 367
Pine Ridge, Arapahoe County, 5, 131
Pinegrove, 300
Plainfield , 130, 381
Platte Canyon, 17, 66
Plum Creek, 13, 15, 16, 40, 56, 66, 125, 147, 286, 367, 371, 387
Plum Creek Elementary, 38, 169, 236, 372
Ponderosa High, 367, 369, 376
Pratt (Cherry), District 20, 150
Round Top, 21, 74, 81, 149, 308, 370
Roxborough, 25, 367, 371
Roxbough Park, 219
Sedalia, 39, 74, 108, 109, 195, 262, 275, 370, 387
Sedalia Elementary, 60, 73, 136
South Denver High, 58, 102, 126, 315
South St Elementary, Castle Rock, 183, 367, 369
Spring Valley, 28, 35, 93, 94, 159, 281, 282, 315, 367, 380
Stone Canon, 172, 190,234, 287
Stone Canyon, 23, 107, 149, 237, 311,367, 377
Sunnyside, 174
Swansea (Denver), 179
Table Rock, 141
Teller Grade, Denver, 284
Thomas Jefferson High, Denver, 102
Tomah, 75
Turner home, 365
Upper Lake Gulch, 367, 379
Valverde, Denver, 316
Vollmer Grade, Weld County, 225
Washington Grade, Denver, 42
Waterville, Cheyenne County, 193, 194
Welte, 182, 184, 238, 239, 367, 375
West Creek, 215, 367, 376, 381
West High, Denver, 75, 76, 102, 165, 171, 238, 241
Widefield High, 285
Wilcox Elementary, 239, 367, 368, 387
Windsor Public, 215
Seidensticker Hill, 11
Seven Mile House, Arapahoe Co., 185
social life – Castle Rock, 351
Soil Conservation Service, 272
stage coach lines –
Barlow & S 339
Butterfield Line, 339
Leavenworth & Pikes Peak, 333, 339
stage stops, Twenty Mile House, 334, 339
Stone & Bliss dual, 217
Craig & Gould’s addition, Castle Rock, 259
Chatfield Estates, 372
Larkspur Heights, 265
Oak Hills, 88
The Pinery, 373
Whispering Pines, Franktown, 137, 291, 295, 313
Surrey Ridge, 147, 370
surveyors - Smith, Charles E. 47
surveys – public, 334