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Latitude / Longitude


Expressed in degrees and minutes. Accuracy varies depending on time (date) taken, type of GPS unit or source of information used. When information is taken from referenced publications showing degrees, minutes and seconds, it is entered in that format.

Example: 37 51.470N / 107 49.510W

Example: 37 51 28N / 107 49 31W



Section / Township / Range

Example:              22 19S 69W







Numbered References

Cataloged References

Examples:            1, 30, 219

Preceded by         “I”

Internet Site Referenced

Cemeteries are generally listed in its county (on the Internet), but there are exceptions. Referenced cemeteries may no longer be found.

Examples:            i1, i2




Preceded by         “p”

Periodicals Referenced

Examples:             p1, p6, p7




Preceded by         “t”

7.5 TOPO maps        Colorado

Examples:             t101, t1619

Preceded by         “nm”

7.5 TOPO maps        New Mexico

Example:              t0478nm

Preceded by         “ut”

7.5 TOPO maps        Utah

Example:              t1613ut

Preceded by         “wy”

7.5 TOPO Maps        Wyoming

Example:              t1326wy




Use of                 “u:

Un-cataloged or unpublished information

Example:              u
