Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives
Name | Volume & Page Number |
Baal, Josef | II, 11, 319 |
Baal, Sherille | II, 11, 319 |
Babb, Rose [Mrs] | II, 11, 329 |
Babcock, [Mrs] | I, 9, 320 |
Babcock, Alonzo | I, 9, 204, 287 |
Babcock, Catherine | I, 9, 320 |
Babcock, Eugene | I, 9, 287 |
Babcock, John | I, 9, 298 |
Babcock, Katherine | II, 11, 268 |
Babcock, | II, 11, 268, 280 |
Baca, Ben | II, 11, 311 |
Baca, Joe | I, 9, 339 |
Back, Charles F. | I, 9, 367; II, 11, 301 |
Backus, [Mr] | I, 243, 328 |
Bader, Mettie | I, 10, 351 |
Bader, Nettie | I, 10, 370 |
Bader, William | I, 10, 332 |
Baer, Roger D. | II, 11, 294 |
Bagg, Merton M. | II, 11, 287 |
Baggott, | I, 153, |
Bahns, Elizabeth | II, 11, 277 |
Bailey, C. G. | II, 235, 312 |
Bailey, J. F. | I, 10, 307; II, 11, 269 |
Bailey, Jean T. | II, 11, 288 |
Bailey, John F. | I, 10, 307 |
Bailey, John F. [Mrs] | I, 10, 307 |
Bailey, M. E. | I, 10, 317 |
Bailey, Matthew W. | II, 11, 294 |
Bailey, Olive M. | II, 11, 267 |
Baillie, Isabella | II, 12, 324 |
Bainbridge, Earl [Mrs] | I, 10, 351 |
Bainbridge, George | I, 10, 337 |
Bainbridge, Joseph | I, 10, 337 |
Bair, [Mr] | I, 10, 288 |
Bair, A. M. | I, 10, 288 |
Bair, C. E. [Jr] | II, 12, 267 |
Bair, Clarence | I, 10, 288 |
Baird, O. J. [Mrs] | I, 10, 55, 239, 292 |
Baird, | II, 59, 224, 268 |
Baker, Charles | I, 11, 330 |
Baker, Charles H. | II, 182, 280 |
Baker, Clara E. | II, 12, 286 |
Baker, Eber J. | II, 12, 275 |
Baker, Eber J. [Mrs] | I, 11, 324 |
Baker, Edra | II, 235, 323 |
Baker, H. Ray | I, 11, 346 |
Baker, Robert | II, 12, 327 |
Baker, Wm. H. | I, 11, 350 |
Bakker, [Mrs] | I, 11, 364 |
Balderston, Charles | I, 11, 355; II, 12, 298 |
Balderston, Myrtle | II, 12, 286 |
Balderston, | II, 12, 298 |
Baldridge, Mary C. | I, 11, 289 |
Baldwin, | II, 12, 314 |
Bale, Judy | II, 12, 320 |
Bales, Flora | II, 12, 326 |
Balins, Wm. [Mrs] | I, 11, 330 |
Balk, Lawernce | II, 12, 286 |
Ball, [Mr] | I, 11, 290 |
Ball, James | I, 11, 236, 290 |
Ball, Ronald [Mrs] | I, 11, 345 |
Ball, Warner [Jr] | II, 13, 267 |
Ball, Warner [Mrs] | I, 11, 290 |
Ball, | II, 12, 269 |
Ballard, Betty | II, 195, 281 |
Ballard, Carolyn | I, 12, 367 |
Ballard, Earnest E. | I, 12, 302 |
Ballard, Ernest | I, 11, 12, 302; II, 13, 269 |
Ballard, Ernest E. | I, 12, 169, 302 |
Ballard, Marie | I, 12, 328; II, 13, 277 |
Ballard, O. J. | I, 12, 302 |
Ballard, Pauline [Mrs] | I, 11, 302 |
Ballard, Robert R. | II, 13, 301 |
Ballinger, Hazel | II, 13, 294 |
Balmer, J. Edwin | I, 12, 324; II, 92, 275 |
Balmer, John | II, 13, 275 |
Balmer, Ray | I, 12, 344 |
Bancroft, Geo. | I, 176, 320 |
Bancroft, George | I, 12, 320 |
Banes, Ella | I, 12, 329 |
Banes, G. Henry [Mrs] | I, 12, 353 |
Banes, Geo. H. | I, 12, 306 |
Barackman, W. | I, 179, 332 |
Barb, Marie | II, 13, 323 |
Barber, Charles | II, 13, 281 |
Barber, Charles M. | I, 12, 340 |
Barber, Len T. [Mrs] | I, 13, 340 |
Barber, Phoebe A. | II, 13, 281 |
Barber, Ruth | II, 13, 292 |
Barber, William F. | I, 13, 331 |
Barger, Donna M. | II, 134, 328 |
Barker, Henry D. | II, 13, 293 |
Barker, Lois | II, 13, 310 |
Barker, Shirley L. | II, 13, 293 |
Barksdale, Ralph | II, 13, 285 |
Barksdale, Ralph A. | II, 13, 285 |
Barksdale, Shirley J. | II, 13, 285 |
Barlow, Wm. H. | II, 13, 308 |
Barnard, Wm. | I, 13, 269, 314 |
Barnard, Wm. J. | I, 13, 313 |
Barner, Alton M. | II, 14, 321 |
Barnes, B. I. | I, 13, 361 |
Barnes, Josephine | II, 14, 307 |
Barnes, Nellie G. | II, 14, 307 |
Barnes, Thomas | II, 224, 289 |
Barnes, | II, 47, 307 |
Barnett, [Mrs] | I, 13, 313 |
Barnett, Harry | II, 14, 298 |
Barnett, Hurshell | II, 14, 307 |
Barnett, John F. | I, 13, 322 |
Barnett, L. M. [Mrs] | I, 13, 313 |
Barnett, Lavina M. | II, 14, 270 |
Barnett, Vernie | II, 14, 307316 |
Barngrover, Dorothy | II, 14, 310 |
Barngrover, | II, 14, 310 |
Barr, Joseph | I, 13, 288 |
Barr, Joseph [Mrs] | I, 13, 288 |
Barr, Lydia | I, 13, 14, 288 |
Barr, William | I, 13, 288 |
Barr, Wm. | I, 13, 288 |
Barrett, Harold [Mr & Mrs] | II, 14, 318 |
Barritt, Ralph E. | I, 14, 344 |
Barron, Lillie | II, 14, 306 |
Barron, | II, 14, 306 |
Barta, Edward | II, 98, 310 |
Bartick, John R. | I, 14, 345 |
Bartlett, Herbert D. | I, 14, 357; II, 14, 298 |
Bartlett, Ralph | II, 138, 279 |
Barton, Thomas E. | II, 15, 309 |
Barton, Thos. E. | I, 14, 343 |
Barton, Wm. [Mr & Mrs] | II, 15, 319 |
Bartshat, Awald | II, 15, 270 |
Bash, Cecil | I, 215, 332 |
Bashore, Mary Jane | II, 15, 276 |
Baslington, A. S. | I, 14, 311 |
Bassett, Margaret | II, 15, 306 |
Batchelet, [Mrs] | I, 14, 313 |
Bateman, Geo. A. | I, 14, 324 |
Bateman, | II, 15, 275 |
Bates, Esther H. | II, 15, 333 |
Bates, Flora M. | II, 197, 298 |
Bates, John Robert [Sr] | II, 15, 290 |
Batschelet, Edward | II, 15, 270 |
Batschelet, Ralph J. | II, 15, 270 |
Batson, Dorothy | II, 15, 290 |
Battey, M. | I, 14, 365 |
Baty, Henry G. | II, 15, 319 |
Baudendistel, Esther | II, 15, 285 |
Bauer, Emma C. | II, 257, 275 |
Bauer, Geo. | I, 14, 350 |
Bauer, John | II, 16, 267 |
Bauer, Orra | II, 18, 301 |
Bauer, Orra E. | I, 14, 370; II, 16, 302 |
Bauer, Pauline E. | II, 15, 302 |
Baughman, Robert | II, 75, 323 |
Baumbauer, Henry R. | II, 16, 316 |
Baumgartner, Ida | II, 16, 285 |
Baumgartner, Jacob | I, 14, 322; II, 16, 96, 274, 277 |
Baumgartner, Joe | II, 16, 274 |
Baumgartner, | II, 16, 289 |
Bax, Chas. A. | I, 14, 349 |
Bayer, J. G. | II, 16, 330 |
Bayille, Guy K. [Mr & Mrs] | II, 204, 291 |
Beagle, Mary | II, 16, 290 |
Beale, Tempie | I, 15, 333 |
Beales, Dan | II, 16, 310 |
Beamon, Nellie A. | I, 15, 328 |
Beams, W. | I, 15, 299 |
Bean, [Mrs] | I, 15, 313 |
Bean, Ed N. | I, 15, 16, 18, 292, 293 |
Bean, Edward N. | I, 15, 16, 18, 270, 281, 292, 293 |
Bean, Edward W. | I, 281, 292, 293 |
Bean, Estella | I, 144, 323 |
Bean, Fred | I, 15, 293 |
Bean, Louis | I, 15, 293 |
Bean, Mary | I, 16, 313 |
Bean, R. P. | I, 15, 90, 293, 305 |
Bean, R. P. [Mrs] | I, 16, 313 |
Bean, Ralph W. | I, 15, 293 |
Bean, Rebecca [Mrs] | I, 15, 292 |
Bean, Rinaldo P. | I, 15, 16, 255, 293, 313; II, 249, 270 |
Bean, | II, 16, 270 |
Beard, John | I, 16, 350 |
Bearden, Floyd M. | II, 17, 281 |
Beasley, [Mr] | I, 16, 337 |
Beatty, Glenn H. | I, 16, 341 |
Beauchamp, Mary | II, 48, 275 |
Beck, A. M. | II, 17, 305 |
Beck, Bertha | II, 17, 329 |
Beck, Don L. | II, 17, 334 |
Beck, Lois M. | II, 17, 309 |
Beck, Lois Mary | II, 17, 309 |
Beck, Loren E. | II, 17, 334 |
Beck, | II, 17, 334 |
Beckley, [Mr] | I, 16, 307 |
Beckley, Arthur | I, 16, 307 |
Beckwith, E. L. | I, 16, 300 |
Beddow, Minnie L. | II, 17, 273 |
Beecher, A. R. | I, 16, 317 |
Beecher, Albert | I, 110, 317 |
Beecher, Albert R. | I, 16, 317 |
Beedle, Evelyn | II, 94, 327 |
Beedle, James | II, 94, 327 |
Beem, W. | I, 16, 299 |
Beem, W. M. | I, 16, 151, 299 |
Beem, Wesley M. [Mrs] | I, 16, 299 |
Beem, Wm. M. | I, 151, 299 |
Beeman, Elizabeth | II, 17, 31, 307 |
Beems, W. | I, 16, 299 |
Beems, | I, 16, 302; II, 185, 268 |
Beer, Marie P. | II, 17, 327 |
Beeson, Pearl | II, 17, 327 |
Beezley, Arthur | I, 17, 322; II, 17, 274 |
Behr, Louis C. | I, 17, 367; II, 18, 301 |
Belcher, Ellen | I, 13, 17, 287 |
Belcher, George | I, 13, 287 |
Belden, Rubie R. | I, 17, 354 |
Bell, Allen | I, 17, 327 |
Bell, Allen E. | I, 17, 327 |
Bell, Charles | II, 18, 311 |
Bell, Florence E. | I, 17, 370; II, 18, 334 |
Bell, Margaret | I, 17, 154, 294; II, 78, 268 |
Bell, Mary Lou | II, 18, 310 |
Bell, Myrn C. | II, 18, 290 |
Bell, | II, 18, 249, 268 |
Bella, Mildred | II, 18, 330 |
Bellon, Gerald | II, 18, 319 |
Bemis, Darlene | II, 18, 273 |
Bemis, Edwin | II, 18, 273 |
Bemis, Edwin A. | I, 17, 321 |
Bemis, Fred | I, 17, 321 |
Bender, Ara Bauer | II, 69, 334 |
Benedict, [Mrs] | I, 18, 292 |
Benedict, G. M. | I, 18, 171, 292 |
Benedict, Geo. M. | I, 18, 292 |
Benigar, Matt | II, 18, 286 |
Benigar, | II, 18, 286 |
Bennett, Charles O. | II, 96, 326 |
Bennett, Christina | II, 18, 269 |
Bennett, Edward M. | I, 18, 306; II, 238, 269 |
Bennett, John | I, 199, 300 |
Bennett, John [Mrs] | I, 18, 300 |
Bennett, Seffie | I, 18, 333 |
Bennett, | II, 219, 268 |
Benson, Robert C. | II, 18, 333 |
Benton, Curtis | I, 18, 350 |
Berdell, C. A. | I, 18, 297 |
Berg, Mary Josephine | I, 18, 330 |
Berg, Robert | II, 19, 287, 309 |
Bergmann, Mary | II, 19, 333 |
Berkley, Alice | I, 19, 209, 314, 322 |
Bernard, Floyd | II, 168, 329 |
Berning, Jessie R. | II, 19, 62, 315 |
Berning, Jessie R. [Mrs] | II, 62, 315 |
Berresheim, Rosemary | II, 19, 329 |
Berry, [Mrs] | I, 276, 363 |
Berry, B. J. [Mrs] | I, 19, 363 |
Berry, D. | II, 19, 301 |
Berry, Donald | I, 19, 367 |
Berry, J. D. | I, 19, 362 |
Berry, Leah | I, 19, 339 |
Bertolett, [Mr] | II, 19, 267 |
Bertolett, John | I, 19, 292 |
Bertolett, Lou | I, 19, 292 |
Bertolett, Lou [Mrs] | I, 94, 294 |
Bertolette, L. | I, 19, 292 |
Bessler, | II, 19, 326 |
Bettini, Florence | II, 19, 312 |
Beveridge, Leona | I, 19, 356; II, 19, 298 |
Beveridge, Lois | II, 19, 328 |
Bevlaqua, Beryl | II, 19, 309 |
Bevlaqua, Dominic | II, 19, 309 |
Beyers, G. H. | I, 38, 365 |
Bibbo, P. [Mr] | II, 19, 328 |
Bibbo, Pasquale | II, 19, 328 |
Bickel, Lester F. | II, 19, 313 |
Biddinger, Robert | II, 20, 322 |
Biddle, [Mrs] | I, 20, 317 |
Biddle, Harriet Rebecca | II, 20, 271 |
Biddle, Hattie R. | I, 20, 317 |
Biehl, George | II, 20, 280 |
Bierig, William | II, 7, 291 |
Bierig, | II, 7, 291 |
Bigelow, Ray L. | II, 20, 314 |
Biggar, A. R. [Mrs] | II, 160, 333 |
Biggar, Amelia | II, 20, 267 |
Biggar, David | I, 20, 288, 290 |
Biggar, John | I, 20, 290 |
Biggar, John R. [Mrs] | I, 20, 288 |
Biggar, L. C. | I, 20, 235, 288 |
Biggar, R. C. | I, 20, 288 |
Biggar, T. M. | I, 20, 290 |
Biggar, Thom. | I, 133, 290 |
Biggar, Thomas | I, 20, 288 |
Biggar, Thomas N. | I, 20, 290 |
Biggar, Thos. | I, 20, 27, 290 |
Biggar, | II, 20, 267 |
Biggs, Ella Myler | I, 181, 292 |
Biggs, Patricia L. | II, 172, 311 |
Billingsley, J. K. | I, 20, 346 |
Bilyard, Dan | II, 213, 312 |
Bilyard, R. Y. W. | I, 20, 365 |
Binard, Elvie D. | II, 20, 278 |
Binard, William [Mrs] | I, 21, 331 |
Binner, Fred E. | I, 21, 273, 332, 340 |
Binner, John | I, 21, 299 |
Binner, Richard H. | I, 21, 332 |
Birbeck, Albert | I, 21, 349 |
Birch, Everett | I, 35, 337 |
Birkholz, Gary | II, 20, 304 |
Birkholz, Janice | II, 20, 304 |
Birky, Curtis | II, 20, 311 |
Birt, Arthur L. [Jr] | II, 22, 291 |
Bisgard, Harold | II, 20, 321 |
Bishop, Vaughn G. [Mrs] | I, 17, 370 |
Bithnell, Thomas | I, 21, 368 |
Bitner, John | II, 20, 298 |
Bixby, [Mrs] | I, 21, 299 |
Bixby, Edward | I, 21, 60, 299 |
Bixby, Edward [Mrs] | I, 21, 299 |
Bixby, Ella | I, 275, 299 |
Bixby, Ella [Mrs] | I, 6, 205, 243, 288, 299 |
Bixby, | I, 243, 299 |
Bixley, | II, 51, 268 |
Black, [Mrs] | I, 21, 308 |
Black, Dorothy [Mrs] | I, 213, 308 |
Black, Elsie D. | II, 21, 60, 279, 310 |
Black, John [Mrs] | I, 21, 333 |
Black, Naomi | II, 5, 324 |
Black, William | I, 21, 213, 308 |
Black, Wm. | II, 21, 270 |
Black, | II, 21, 270 |
Blackard, Fred G. | II, 21, 303 |
Blackburn, Mary | II, 252, 278 |
Blackmore, Claire V. | II, 244, 310 |
Blackshere, Margaret | I, 21, 346 |
Blair, J. Ralph | I, 22, 324 |
Blair, James | II, 21, 308 |
Blair, Martha J. | I, 22, 324 |
Blanchard, Fred | I, 22, 317 |
Blanding, Ronald M. | II, 21, 311 |
Blank, Naomi | II, 78, 327 |
Blanscet, Carl | II, 21, 285 |
Blanscet, Eva Mae | II, 21, 304 |
Blanscet, | II, 21, 285 |
Bloemen, Georgette | II, 21, 334 |
Blomsten, Agnes L. | I, 22, 323 |
Blue, Frank | I, 22, 312 |
Blue, Gladys | II, 21, 270 |
Blue, J. [Mrs] | I, 22, 312 |
Blue, John | I, 22, 312 |
Blue, Sarah [Mrs] | I, 22, 312 |
Blume, [Mr] | I, 162, 307 |
Blume, A. F. | I, 162, 307 |
Blume, Ethel | I, 22, 325; II, 250, 275 |
Blythe, Clara [Mrs] | II, 236, 282 |
Boddy, Annie | I, 22, 321 |
Boddy, Annie [Mrs] | I, 22, 321 |
Boddy, Eugene | I, 22, 305 |
Boddy, Frank W. | I, 22, 321 |
Boddy, Nell W. | II, 21, 22, 308 |
Boddy, Quentin | II, 21, 308 |
Bodley, Florence K. | II, 74, 309 |
Body, Enoch [Mrs] | I, 23, 361 |
Body, Enock | I, 23, 290 |
Body, Hilda M. | I, 23, 353 |
Body, John | I, 23, 359 |
Bodycomb, Frederick Mercer [Jr] | II, 22, 293 |
Boehman, Lula | I, 34, 199, 307 |
Boen, Wm. G. | I, 23, 181, 307, 308 |
Boen, | II, 22, 269 |
Boggs, John R. | II, 22, 334 |
Boh, Ruth M. | I, 172, 353 |
Boland, [Mr] | I, 23, 315 |
Boland, Bridget | I, 23, 321 |
Boland, Hugh | I, 23, 315 |
Bolis, Joe | I, 23, 336; II, 22, 280 |
Bolis, John | I, 23, 336; II, 22, 280 |
Bollerud, Gary | II, 22, 292 |
Bolling, Helen | II, 254, 334 |
Bollinger, [Mr] | I, 23, 335 |
Bolton, J. K. | I, 23, 289 |
Bonar, Clifford H. | I, 24, 305 |
Bond, Elsie E. | I, 24, 330 |
Bond, Frances M. | I, 24, 332 |
Bond, Richard | I, 24, 345 |
Bonds, Randy Eugene | II, 22, 291 |
Bonetti, Ralph A. | II, 22, 281 |
Bonner, Eugene | I, 24, 326 |
Bonner, Gene | II, 22, 276 |
Bonner, | II, 22, 276 |
Bonnes, L. J. | I, 24, 331 |
Bonnes, Leonard John | II, 22, 278 |
Booker, Itto | II, 23, 302 |
Booker, Ottie | I, 24, 367 |
Booker, Ottie Lee | II, 23, 312 |
Booker, Rose | II, 23, 312 |
Boom, Evelyn | II, 23, 301 |
Boom, Sarah | II, 23, 301 |
Boone, J. F. | II, 23, 333 |
Booth, [Mrs] | II, 23, 334 |
Booth, Bertha | I, 24, 119, 323; II, 23, 274 |
Booth, Carrie E. | I, 30, 329 |
Booth, Donald R. | I, 24, 345 |
Booth, William M. | I, 24, 345 |
Borden, Lewis C. | II, 23, 310 |
Borden, Meredith | II, 145, 331 |
Borgen, [Mrs] | I, 24, 335 |
Borgen, Gustav | I, 24, 332 |
Borgen, Gustave | II, 23, 279 |
Borgen, Lena J. [Mrs] | I, 24, 335 |
Borgen, P. C. | I, 24, 335 |
Borger, B. L. | I, 25, 359 |
Borger, Benjamin L. [Mrs] | II, 23, 302 |
Borger, W. Loyd | II, 23, 302 |
Boring, H. E. | I, 25, 373 |
Borsenberger, Ana | II, 23, 314 |
Borsenberger, Ann | II, 23, 281 |
Boss, Irma M. | II, 23, 325 |
Boss, Richard [Mrs] | II, 141, 323 |
Boss, Richard J. | II, 23, 325 |
Boston, J. L. | I, 25, 341 |
Boswarth, | II, 253, 267 |
Bosworth, H. P. | I, 25, 272, 290 |
Bottomfield, Joseph | I, 25, 302 |
Bottorf, Roy | I, 25, 369 |
Bottorff, Robert | II, 24, 333 |
Bottorff, Robert L. | II, 23, 333 |
Bottoroff, Harry E. | I, 25, 346 |
Boughton, Louise | I, 87, 293 |
Boughton, Louise [Mrs] | I, 25, 293 |
Boughton, | II, 136, 268 |
Boughton (Cobb), Geo. E. | I, 25, 293 |
Bourg, A. B. | I, 25, 346 |
Bourg, Susie [Mrs] | I, 25, 350 |
Bourne, Hattie B. | II, 24, 334 |
Bourne, Hattie S. | II, 24, 334 |
Bourne, Sidney | I, 25, 316 |
Bouton, M. E. [Mrs] | II, 24, 333 |
Boutwell, T. P. | I, 278, 315 |
Bowen, L. L. | II, 24, 312 |
Bowen, Leroy L | II, 24, 312 |
Bower, Arthur | II, 24, 324 |
Bower, M. J. [Mrs] | I, 25, 328 |
Bowers, G. S. [Mrs] | I, 25, 356 |
Bowers, Harvey G. | I, 25, 333 |
Bowers, Thomas T. | II, 24, 314 |
Bowers, | II, 24, 279 |
Bowersox, Orville | I, 26, 321; II, 24, 274 |
Bowersox, Orville L. | I, 26, 321 |
Bowles, [Mrs] | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, Addie [Mrs] | I, 36, 150, 343 |
Bowles, C. W. | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, Charles | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, Charles W. | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, Ed | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, J. B. | I, 7, |
Bowles, J. W. | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, Joseph W. | I, 26, 107, 299 |
Bowles, W. W. | II, 24, 268 |
Bowles, Walter | I, 26, 299 |
Bowles, | II, 24, 268 |
Bowles (Lee), Addie [Mrs] | I, 219, 343 |
Bowlin, James | I, 173, 362 |
Bowling, Thomas | II, 24, 301 |
Bowling, Thomas C. | II, 24, 301 |
Bowlus, Helen | II, 25, 308 |
Bowman, [Mrs] | I, 26, 307, 327 |
Bowman, Charles E. | II, 25, 289 |
Bowman, Curtis | II, 25, 302 |
Bowman, Frieda | II, 25, 289 |
Bowman, Gary John | II, 25, 319 |
Bowman, Louis [Mrs] | I, 26, 307 |
Bowman, Mary | I, 26, 360 |
Bowman, Thomas | II, 25, 319 |
Bowman, Wm. | I, 26, 360 |
Bown, G. F. [Mrs] | I, 27, 292 |
Bown, Geo. F. | I, 27, 292 |
Bown, Geo. John | I, 27, 292 |
Bown, George | I, 27, 292 |
Bown, George [Mrs] | I, 27, 292 |
Bowne, H. A. | I, 27, 353 |
Boyd, Karen | II, 25, 291 |
Boyer, E. C. | I, 27, 313 |
Boyes, Garland [Mrs] | I, 27, 344, 346 |
Boyter, Betty Sue | II, 25, 328 |
Braby, [Mr] | I, 27, 308 |
Braby, Maud [Mrs] | II, 25, 277 |
Braby, Maude | II, 25, 277 |
Braby, William C. | I, 27, 308 |
Braby, Wm. C. | I, 259, 260, 308; II, 115, 270 |
Bradbury, S. E. | I, 82, 340 |
Braderlin, A. | I, 264, 347 |
Bradford, Donald | I, 27, 344 |
Bradford, E. D. [Mrs] | II, 25, 274 |
Bradford, Mary | II, 175, 291 |
Bradley, Betty | II, 25, 290 |
Bradley, Claude C. | II, 25, 276 |
Bradley, Emma | I, 27, 165, 325 |
Bradley, Emma L. | II, 26, 275 |
Brady, Robert J. | II, 143, 287 |
Brady, Ruth E. | II, 26, 286 |
Bragg, John W. | I, 27, 347 |
Bragg, John Wm. | II, 26, 321 |
Bramhal, Eileen | II, 74, 298 |
Bramhall, D. M. | I, 28, 355 |
Bramhall, D. M. [Mrs] | II, 26, 298 |
Bramhall, | II, 26, 298 |
Brammeier, Marilyn | II, 26, 293 |
Brammeier, | II, 26, 293 |
Bramwell, Isabel | I, 28, 356 |
Brand, Eva K. | II, 26, 303 |
Brandebery, A. E. | I, 28, 326 |
Brandebery, V. H. | I, 148, 326 |
Brandt, Robert [Mrs] | II, 26, 332 |
Brandt, Theodine | I, 28, 369; II, 26, 332 |
Brandt, Wendy K. | II, 26, 288 |
Brane, Francis L | II, 26, 330 |
Brans, John L. | I, 28, 343 |
Brath, Ann | II, 26, 317 |
Brath, Ann J. | II, 14, 317 |
Braucht, Barbara | II, 27, 326 |
Braucht, J. I. | II, 27, 326 |
Braucht, Peter G. | II, 27, 326 |
Braucht, | II, 27, 326 |
Braun, George | II, 27, 332 |
Braus, J. L. [Mrs] | I, 28, 351 |
Bray, Roy T. | II, 27, 286 |
Breaze, George | I, 28, 311 |
Breaze, George A. | I, 28, 311 |
Breaze, Vera M. | II, 27, 299 |
Brecht, H. J. | I, 28, 274, 301 |
Brecht, Henry J. | I, 28, 301 |
Breckt, Henry | I, 53, 301 |
Breckt, | I, 53, 301 |
Breidster, Geo. E. [Mrs] | I, 29, 330 |
Breidster, George [Mrs] | I, 28, 330 |
Brekte, Hilda | II, 27, 292 |
Brendlinger, Joseph E. | II, 27, 324 |
Brenenstall, John | II, 27, 313 |
Brenestall, John W. | II, 27, 313 |
Brennan, John | II, 27, 289 |
Brent, Carl | II, 27, 325 |
Breshears, Arless | II, 225, 287 |
Bress, Jean | II, 27, 302 |
Bress, Larry | II, 27, 302 |
Bress, | II, 27, 302 |
Breusch, Frank | II, 27, 330 |
Breuss, John | I, 214, 327 |
Brever, Joan M. | II, 38, 282 |
Brewer, [Mr] | I, 29, 337 |
Brewer, Alvin A. | I, 29, 329 |
Brewer, Clara | I, 29, 353 |
Brewer, Walter | I, 29, 350 |
Brewer, | II, 28, 302 |
Brickel, Wm. | I, 29, 312 |
Brickel, Wm. G. | I, 29, 312 |
Briddle, Jess | II, 28, 316 |
Bridle, George | I, 29, 300 |
Briggs, [Mrs] | I, 261, 292 |
Briggs, Ella Myler | I, 261, 292 |
Brigman, Robert J. [Mrs] | I, 29, 370 |
Bringle, Fred R. | II, 28, 301 |
Brinker, Ben [Mrs] | I, 29, 300 |
Brinker, Benjamin | I, 29, 300 |
Brinsfield, Glena | I, 29, 367 |
Brisendine, Daisy | II, 28, 325 |
Britton, James [Mrs] | II, 28, 297 |
Britton, James H. [Mrs] | I, 29, 354 |
Brock, Dewey | II, 28, 324 |
Brock, Donald M. | II, 28, 304 |
Brockway, Henry C. | I, 29, 30, 320 |
Bromley, H. H. [Mrs] | II, 28, 276 |
Bronson, Betty | II, 28, 314 |
Bronson, | II, 28, 314 |
Brooker, Walter | I, 28, 30, 355 |
Brooker, Walter J. | II, 28, 298 |
Brooks, [Mrs] | I, 31, 305 |
Brooks, Charles | I, 30, 31, 305 |
Brooks, Ernest | I, 30, 321; II, 29, 274 |
Brooks, Frances | I, 30, 357 |
Brooks, J. W. [Mrs] | I, 30, 355 |
Brooks, John | I, 30, 65, 175, 176, 344 |
Brooks, John S. [Mrs] | I, 30, 324 |
Brooks, T. R. | I, 30, 355 |
Brooks, Thomas R. | II, 29, 297 |
Brooks, Thomas W. | II, 29, 305 |
Brooks, | II, 29, 160, 275, 282 |
Broomfield, [Mrs] | I, 129, |
Broudrick, Howard | II, 29, 288 |
Broughton, Francis | II, 168, 329 |
Brovand, [Mrs] | I, 31, 312 |
Brovand, Olive M. | I, 31, 312 |
Brower, Gilbert | I, 31, 339 |
Brown, [Mr] | I, 31, 306 |
Brown, [Mrs] | I, 32, 354 |
Brown, Clarence | I, 32, 314 |
Brown, Clarence [Mrs] | I, 31, 314 |
Brown, Clarence [Sr] | I, 31, 314 |
Brown, Dorothy | II, 29, 316 |