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Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives



Volume & Page Number

Baal, Josef

II, 11, 319

Baal, Sherille

II, 11, 319

Babb, Rose [Mrs]

II, 11, 329

Babcock, [Mrs]

I, 9, 320

Babcock, Alonzo

I, 9, 204, 287

Babcock, Catherine

I, 9, 320

Babcock, Eugene

I, 9, 287

Babcock, John

I, 9, 298

Babcock, Katherine

II, 11, 268


II, 11, 268, 280

Baca, Ben

II, 11, 311

Baca, Joe

I, 9, 339

Back, Charles F.

I, 9, 367;  II, 11, 301

Backus, [Mr]

I, 243, 328

Bader, Mettie

I, 10, 351

Bader, Nettie

I, 10, 370

Bader, William

I, 10, 332

Baer, Roger D.

II, 11, 294

Bagg, Merton M.

II, 11, 287


I, 153, 

Bahns, Elizabeth

II, 11, 277

Bailey, C. G.

II, 235, 312

Bailey, J. F.

I, 10, 307;  II, 11, 269

Bailey, Jean T.

II, 11, 288

Bailey, John F.

I, 10, 307

Bailey, John F. [Mrs]

I, 10, 307

Bailey, M. E.

I, 10, 317

Bailey, Matthew W.

II, 11, 294

Bailey, Olive M.

II, 11, 267

Baillie, Isabella

II, 12, 324

Bainbridge, Earl [Mrs]

I, 10, 351

Bainbridge, George

I, 10, 337

Bainbridge, Joseph

I, 10, 337

Bair, [Mr]

I, 10, 288

Bair, A. M.

I, 10, 288

Bair, C. E. [Jr]

II, 12, 267

Bair, Clarence

I, 10, 288

Baird, O. J. [Mrs]

I, 10, 55, 239, 292


II, 59, 224, 268

Baker, Charles

I, 11, 330

Baker, Charles H.

II, 182, 280

Baker, Clara E.

II, 12, 286

Baker, Eber J.

II, 12, 275

Baker, Eber J. [Mrs]

I, 11, 324

Baker, Edra

II, 235, 323

Baker, H. Ray

I, 11, 346

Baker, Robert

II, 12, 327

Baker, Wm. H.

I, 11, 350

Bakker, [Mrs]

I, 11, 364

Balderston, Charles

I, 11, 355;  II, 12, 298

Balderston, Myrtle

II, 12, 286


II, 12, 298

Baldridge, Mary C.

I, 11, 289


II, 12, 314

Bale, Judy

II, 12, 320

Bales, Flora

II, 12, 326

Balins, Wm. [Mrs]

I, 11, 330

Balk, Lawernce

II, 12, 286

Ball, [Mr]

I, 11, 290

Ball, James

I, 11, 236, 290

Ball, Ronald [Mrs]

I, 11, 345

Ball, Warner [Jr]

II, 13, 267

Ball, Warner [Mrs]

I, 11, 290


II, 12, 269

Ballard, Betty

II, 195, 281

Ballard, Carolyn

I, 12, 367

Ballard, Earnest E.

I, 12, 302

Ballard, Ernest

I, 11, 12, 302;  II, 13, 269

Ballard, Ernest E.

I, 12, 169, 302

Ballard, Marie

I, 12, 328;  II, 13, 277

Ballard, O. J.

I, 12, 302

Ballard, Pauline [Mrs]

I, 11, 302

Ballard, Robert R.

II, 13, 301

Ballinger, Hazel

II, 13, 294

Balmer, J. Edwin

I, 12, 324;  II, 92, 275

Balmer, John

II, 13, 275

Balmer, Ray

I, 12, 344

Bancroft, Geo.

I, 176, 320

Bancroft, George

I, 12, 320

Banes, Ella

I, 12, 329

Banes, G. Henry [Mrs]

I, 12, 353

Banes, Geo. H.

I, 12, 306

Barackman, W.

I, 179, 332

Barb, Marie

II, 13, 323

Barber, Charles

II, 13, 281

Barber, Charles M.

I, 12, 340

Barber, Len T. [Mrs]

I, 13, 340

Barber, Phoebe A.

II, 13, 281

Barber, Ruth

II, 13, 292

Barber, William F.

I, 13, 331

Barger, Donna M.

II, 134, 328

Barker, Henry D.

II, 13, 293

Barker, Lois

II, 13, 310

Barker, Shirley L.

II, 13, 293

Barksdale, Ralph

II, 13, 285

Barksdale, Ralph A.

II, 13, 285

Barksdale, Shirley J.

II, 13, 285

Barlow, Wm. H.

II, 13, 308

Barnard, Wm.

I, 13, 269, 314

Barnard, Wm. J.

I, 13, 313

Barner, Alton M.

II, 14, 321

Barnes, B. I.

I, 13, 361

Barnes, Josephine

II, 14, 307

Barnes, Nellie G.

II, 14, 307

Barnes, Thomas

II, 224, 289


II, 47, 307

Barnett, [Mrs]

I, 13, 313

Barnett, Harry

II, 14, 298

Barnett, Hurshell

II, 14, 307

Barnett, John F.

I, 13, 322

Barnett, L. M. [Mrs]

I, 13, 313

Barnett, Lavina M.

II, 14, 270

Barnett, Vernie

II, 14, 307316

Barngrover, Dorothy

II, 14, 310


II, 14, 310

Barr, Joseph

I, 13, 288

Barr, Joseph [Mrs]

I, 13, 288

Barr, Lydia

I, 13, 14, 288

Barr, William

I, 13, 288

Barr, Wm.

I, 13, 288

Barrett, Harold [Mr & Mrs]

II, 14, 318

Barritt, Ralph E.

I, 14, 344

Barron, Lillie

II, 14, 306


II, 14, 306

Barta, Edward

II, 98, 310

Bartick, John R.

I, 14, 345

Bartlett, Herbert D.

I, 14, 357;  II, 14, 298

Bartlett, Ralph

II, 138, 279

Barton, Thomas E.

II, 15, 309

Barton, Thos. E.

I, 14, 343

Barton, Wm. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 15, 319

Bartshat, Awald

II, 15, 270

Bash, Cecil

I, 215, 332

Bashore, Mary Jane

II, 15, 276

Baslington, A. S.

I, 14, 311

Bassett, Margaret

II, 15, 306

Batchelet, [Mrs]

I, 14, 313

Bateman, Geo. A.

I, 14, 324


II, 15, 275

Bates, Esther H.

II, 15, 333

Bates, Flora M.

II, 197, 298

Bates, John Robert [Sr]

II, 15, 290

Batschelet, Edward

II, 15, 270

Batschelet, Ralph J.

II, 15, 270

Batson, Dorothy

II, 15, 290

Battey, M.

I, 14, 365

Baty, Henry G.

II, 15, 319

Baudendistel, Esther

II, 15, 285

Bauer, Emma C.

II, 257, 275

Bauer, Geo.

I, 14, 350

Bauer, John

II, 16, 267

Bauer, Orra

II, 18, 301

Bauer, Orra E.

I, 14, 370;  II, 16, 302

Bauer, Pauline E.

II, 15, 302

Baughman, Robert

II, 75, 323

Baumbauer, Henry R.

II, 16, 316

Baumgartner, Ida

II, 16, 285

Baumgartner, Jacob

I, 14, 322;  II, 16, 96, 274, 277

Baumgartner, Joe

II, 16, 274


II, 16, 289

Bax, Chas. A.

I, 14, 349

Bayer, J. G.

II, 16, 330

Bayille, Guy K. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 204, 291

Beagle, Mary

II, 16, 290

Beale, Tempie

I, 15, 333

Beales, Dan

II, 16, 310

Beamon, Nellie A.

I, 15, 328

Beams, W.

I, 15, 299

Bean, [Mrs]

I, 15, 313

Bean, Ed N.

I, 15, 16, 18, 292, 293

Bean, Edward N.

I, 15, 16, 18, 270, 281, 292, 293

Bean, Edward W.

I, 281, 292, 293

Bean, Estella

I, 144, 323

Bean, Fred

I, 15, 293

Bean, Louis

I, 15, 293

Bean, Mary

I, 16, 313

Bean, R. P.

I, 15, 90, 293, 305

Bean, R. P. [Mrs]

I, 16, 313

Bean, Ralph W.

I, 15, 293

Bean, Rebecca [Mrs]

I, 15, 292

Bean, Rinaldo P.

I, 15, 16, 255, 293, 313;  II, 249, 270


II, 16, 270

Beard, John

I, 16, 350

Bearden, Floyd M.

II, 17, 281

Beasley, [Mr]

I, 16, 337

Beatty, Glenn H.

I, 16, 341

Beauchamp, Mary

II, 48, 275

Beck, A. M.

II, 17, 305

Beck, Bertha

II, 17, 329

Beck, Don L.

II, 17, 334

Beck, Lois M.

II, 17, 309

Beck, Lois Mary

II, 17, 309

Beck, Loren E.

II, 17, 334


II, 17, 334

Beckley, [Mr]

I, 16, 307

Beckley, Arthur

I, 16, 307

Beckwith, E. L.

I, 16, 300

Beddow, Minnie L.

II, 17, 273

Beecher, A. R.

I, 16, 317

Beecher, Albert

I, 110, 317

Beecher, Albert R.

I, 16, 317

Beedle, Evelyn

II, 94, 327

Beedle, James

II, 94, 327

Beem, W.

I, 16, 299

Beem, W. M.

I, 16, 151, 299

Beem, Wesley M. [Mrs]

I, 16, 299

Beem, Wm. M.

I, 151, 299

Beeman, Elizabeth

II, 17, 31, 307

Beems, W.

I, 16, 299


I, 16, 302;  II, 185, 268

Beer, Marie P.

II, 17, 327

Beeson, Pearl

II, 17, 327

Beezley, Arthur

I, 17, 322;  II, 17, 274

Behr, Louis C.

I, 17, 367;  II, 18, 301

Belcher, Ellen

I, 13, 17, 287

Belcher, George

I, 13, 287

Belden, Rubie R.

I, 17, 354

Bell, Allen

I, 17, 327

Bell, Allen E.

I, 17, 327

Bell, Charles

II, 18, 311

Bell, Florence E.

I, 17, 370;  II, 18, 334

Bell, Margaret

I, 17, 154, 294;  II, 78, 268

Bell, Mary Lou

II, 18, 310

Bell, Myrn C.

II, 18, 290


II, 18, 249, 268

Bella, Mildred

II, 18, 330

Bellon, Gerald

II, 18, 319

Bemis, Darlene

II, 18, 273

Bemis, Edwin

II, 18, 273

Bemis, Edwin A.

I, 17, 321

Bemis, Fred

I, 17, 321

Bender, Ara Bauer

II, 69, 334

Benedict, [Mrs]

I, 18, 292

Benedict, G. M.

I, 18, 171, 292

Benedict, Geo. M.

I, 18, 292

Benigar, Matt

II, 18, 286


II, 18, 286

Bennett, Charles O.

II, 96, 326

Bennett, Christina

II, 18, 269

Bennett, Edward M.

I, 18, 306;  II, 238, 269

Bennett, John

I, 199, 300

Bennett, John [Mrs]

I, 18, 300

Bennett, Seffie

I, 18, 333


II, 219, 268

Benson, Robert C.

II, 18, 333

Benton, Curtis

I, 18, 350

Berdell, C. A.

I, 18, 297

Berg, Mary Josephine

I, 18, 330

Berg, Robert

II, 19, 287, 309

Bergmann, Mary

II, 19, 333

Berkley, Alice

I, 19, 209, 314, 322

Bernard, Floyd

II, 168, 329

Berning, Jessie R.

II, 19, 62, 315

Berning, Jessie R. [Mrs]

II, 62, 315

Berresheim, Rosemary

II, 19, 329

Berry, [Mrs]

I, 276, 363

Berry, B. J. [Mrs]

I, 19, 363

Berry, D.

II, 19, 301

Berry, Donald

I, 19, 367

Berry, J. D.

I, 19, 362

Berry, Leah

I, 19, 339

Bertolett, [Mr]

II, 19, 267

Bertolett, John

I, 19, 292

Bertolett, Lou

I, 19, 292

Bertolett, Lou [Mrs]

I, 94, 294

Bertolette, L.

I, 19, 292


II, 19, 326

Bettini, Florence

II, 19, 312

Beveridge, Leona

I, 19, 356;  II, 19, 298

Beveridge, Lois

II, 19, 328

Bevlaqua, Beryl

II, 19, 309

Bevlaqua, Dominic

II, 19, 309

Beyers, G. H.

I, 38, 365

Bibbo, P. [Mr]

II, 19, 328

Bibbo, Pasquale

II, 19, 328

Bickel, Lester F.

II, 19, 313

Biddinger, Robert

II, 20, 322

Biddle, [Mrs]

I, 20, 317

Biddle, Harriet Rebecca

II, 20, 271

Biddle, Hattie R.

I, 20, 317

Biehl, George

II, 20, 280

Bierig, William

II, 7, 291


II, 7, 291

Bigelow, Ray L.

II, 20, 314

Biggar, A. R. [Mrs]

II, 160, 333

Biggar, Amelia

II, 20, 267

Biggar, David

I, 20, 288, 290

Biggar, John

I, 20, 290

Biggar, John R. [Mrs]

I, 20, 288

Biggar, L. C.

I, 20, 235, 288

Biggar, R. C.

I, 20, 288

Biggar, T. M.

I, 20, 290

Biggar, Thom.

I, 133, 290

Biggar, Thomas

I, 20, 288

Biggar, Thomas N.

I, 20, 290

Biggar, Thos.

I, 20, 27, 290


II, 20, 267

Biggs, Ella Myler

I, 181, 292

Biggs, Patricia L.

II, 172, 311

Billingsley, J. K.

I, 20, 346

Bilyard, Dan

II, 213, 312

Bilyard, R. Y. W.

I, 20, 365

Binard, Elvie D.

II, 20, 278

Binard, William [Mrs]

I, 21, 331

Binner, Fred E.

I, 21, 273, 332, 340

Binner, John

I, 21, 299

Binner, Richard H.

I, 21, 332

Birbeck, Albert

I, 21, 349

Birch, Everett

I, 35, 337

Birkholz, Gary

II, 20, 304

Birkholz, Janice

II, 20, 304

Birky, Curtis

II, 20, 311

Birt, Arthur L. [Jr]

II, 22, 291

Bisgard, Harold

II, 20, 321

Bishop, Vaughn G. [Mrs]

I, 17, 370

Bithnell, Thomas

I, 21, 368

Bitner, John

II, 20, 298

Bixby, [Mrs]

I, 21, 299

Bixby, Edward

I, 21, 60, 299

Bixby, Edward [Mrs]

I, 21, 299

Bixby, Ella

I, 275, 299

Bixby, Ella [Mrs]

I, 6, 205, 243, 288, 299


I, 243, 299


II, 51, 268

Black, [Mrs]

I, 21, 308

Black, Dorothy [Mrs]

I, 213, 308

Black, Elsie D.

II, 21, 60, 279, 310

Black, John [Mrs]

I, 21, 333

Black, Naomi

II, 5, 324

Black, William

I, 21, 213, 308

Black, Wm.

II, 21, 270


II, 21, 270

Blackard, Fred G.

II, 21, 303

Blackburn, Mary

II, 252, 278

Blackmore, Claire V.

II, 244, 310

Blackshere, Margaret

I, 21, 346

Blair, J. Ralph

I, 22, 324

Blair, James

II, 21, 308

Blair, Martha J.

I, 22, 324

Blanchard, Fred

I, 22, 317

Blanding, Ronald M.

II, 21, 311

Blank, Naomi

II, 78, 327

Blanscet, Carl

II, 21, 285

Blanscet, Eva Mae

II, 21, 304


II, 21, 285

Bloemen, Georgette

II, 21, 334

Blomsten, Agnes L.

I, 22, 323

Blue, Frank

I, 22, 312

Blue, Gladys

II, 21, 270

Blue, J. [Mrs]

I, 22, 312

Blue, John

I, 22, 312

Blue, Sarah [Mrs]

I, 22, 312

Blume, [Mr]

I, 162, 307

Blume, A. F.

I, 162, 307

Blume, Ethel

I, 22, 325;  II, 250, 275

Blythe, Clara [Mrs]

II, 236, 282

Boddy, Annie

I, 22, 321

Boddy, Annie [Mrs]

I, 22, 321

Boddy, Eugene

I, 22, 305

Boddy, Frank W.

I, 22, 321

Boddy, Nell W.

II, 21, 22, 308

Boddy, Quentin

II, 21, 308

Bodley, Florence K.

II, 74, 309

Body, Enoch [Mrs]

I, 23, 361

Body, Enock

I, 23, 290

Body, Hilda M.

I, 23, 353

Body, John

I, 23, 359

Bodycomb, Frederick Mercer [Jr]

II, 22, 293

Boehman, Lula

I, 34, 199, 307

Boen, Wm. G.

I, 23, 181, 307, 308


II, 22, 269

Boggs, John R.

II, 22, 334

Boh, Ruth M.

I, 172, 353

Boland, [Mr]

I, 23, 315

Boland, Bridget

I, 23, 321

Boland, Hugh

I, 23, 315

Bolis, Joe

I, 23, 336;  II, 22, 280

Bolis, John

I, 23, 336;  II, 22, 280

Bollerud, Gary

II, 22, 292

Bolling, Helen

II, 254, 334

Bollinger, [Mr]

I, 23, 335

Bolton, J. K.

I, 23, 289

Bonar, Clifford H.

I, 24, 305

Bond, Elsie E.

I, 24, 330

Bond, Frances M.

I, 24, 332

Bond, Richard

I, 24, 345

Bonds, Randy Eugene

II, 22, 291

Bonetti, Ralph A.

II, 22, 281

Bonner, Eugene

I, 24, 326

Bonner, Gene

II, 22, 276


II, 22, 276

Bonnes, L. J.

I, 24, 331

Bonnes, Leonard John

II, 22, 278

Booker, Itto

II, 23, 302

Booker, Ottie

I, 24, 367

Booker, Ottie Lee

II, 23, 312

Booker, Rose

II, 23, 312

Boom, Evelyn

II, 23, 301

Boom, Sarah

II, 23, 301

Boone, J. F.

II, 23, 333

Booth, [Mrs]

II, 23, 334

Booth, Bertha

I, 24, 119, 323;  II, 23, 274

Booth, Carrie E.

I, 30, 329

Booth, Donald R.

I, 24, 345

Booth, William M.

I, 24, 345

Borden, Lewis C.

II, 23, 310

Borden, Meredith

II, 145, 331

Borgen, [Mrs]

I, 24, 335

Borgen, Gustav

I, 24, 332

Borgen, Gustave

II, 23, 279

Borgen, Lena J. [Mrs]

I, 24, 335

Borgen, P. C.

I, 24, 335

Borger, B. L.

I, 25, 359

Borger, Benjamin L. [Mrs]

II, 23, 302

Borger, W. Loyd

II, 23, 302

Boring, H. E.

I, 25, 373

Borsenberger, Ana

II, 23, 314

Borsenberger, Ann

II, 23, 281

Boss, Irma M.

II, 23, 325

Boss, Richard [Mrs]

II, 141, 323

Boss, Richard J.

II, 23, 325

Boston, J. L.

I, 25, 341


II, 253, 267

Bosworth, H. P.

I, 25, 272, 290

Bottomfield, Joseph

I, 25, 302

Bottorf, Roy

I, 25, 369

Bottorff, Robert

II, 24, 333

Bottorff, Robert L.

II, 23, 333

Bottoroff, Harry E.

I, 25, 346

Boughton, Louise

I, 87, 293

Boughton, Louise [Mrs]

I, 25, 293


II, 136, 268

Boughton (Cobb), Geo. E.

I, 25, 293

Bourg, A. B.

I, 25, 346

Bourg, Susie [Mrs]

I, 25, 350

Bourne, Hattie B.

II, 24, 334

Bourne, Hattie S.

II, 24, 334

Bourne, Sidney

I, 25, 316

Bouton, M. E. [Mrs]

II, 24, 333

Boutwell, T. P.

I, 278, 315

Bowen, L. L.

II, 24, 312

Bowen, Leroy L

II, 24, 312

Bower, Arthur

II, 24, 324

Bower, M. J. [Mrs]

I, 25, 328

Bowers, G. S. [Mrs]

I, 25, 356

Bowers, Harvey G.

I, 25, 333

Bowers, Thomas T.

II, 24, 314


II, 24, 279

Bowersox, Orville

I, 26, 321;  II, 24, 274

Bowersox, Orville L.

I, 26, 321

Bowles, [Mrs]

I, 26, 299

Bowles, Addie [Mrs]

I, 36, 150, 343

Bowles, C. W.

I, 26, 299

Bowles, Charles

I, 26, 299

Bowles, Charles W.

I, 26, 299

Bowles, Ed

I, 26, 299

Bowles, J. B.

I, 7, 

Bowles, J. W.

I, 26, 299

Bowles, Joseph W.

I, 26, 107, 299

Bowles, W. W.

II, 24, 268

Bowles, Walter

I, 26, 299


II, 24, 268

Bowles (Lee), Addie [Mrs]

I, 219, 343

Bowlin, James

I, 173, 362

Bowling, Thomas

II, 24, 301

Bowling, Thomas C.

II, 24, 301

Bowlus, Helen

II, 25, 308

Bowman, [Mrs]

I, 26, 307, 327

Bowman, Charles E.

II, 25, 289

Bowman, Curtis

II, 25, 302

Bowman, Frieda

II, 25, 289

Bowman, Gary John

II, 25, 319

Bowman, Louis [Mrs]

I, 26, 307

Bowman, Mary

I, 26, 360

Bowman, Thomas

II, 25, 319

Bowman, Wm.

I, 26, 360

Bown, G. F. [Mrs]

I, 27, 292

Bown, Geo. F.

I, 27, 292

Bown, Geo. John

I, 27, 292

Bown, George

I, 27, 292

Bown, George [Mrs]

I, 27, 292

Bowne, H. A.

I, 27, 353

Boyd, Karen

II, 25, 291

Boyer, E. C.

I, 27, 313

Boyes, Garland [Mrs]

I, 27, 344, 346

Boyter, Betty Sue

II, 25, 328

Braby, [Mr]

I, 27, 308

Braby, Maud [Mrs]

II, 25, 277

Braby, Maude

II, 25, 277

Braby, William C.

I, 27, 308

Braby, Wm. C.

I, 259, 260, 308;  II, 115, 270

Bradbury, S. E.

I, 82, 340

Braderlin, A.

I, 264, 347

Bradford, Donald

I, 27, 344

Bradford, E. D. [Mrs]

II, 25, 274

Bradford, Mary

II, 175, 291

Bradley, Betty

II, 25, 290

Bradley, Claude C.

II, 25, 276

Bradley, Emma

I, 27, 165, 325

Bradley, Emma L.

II, 26, 275

Brady, Robert J.

II, 143, 287

Brady, Ruth E.

II, 26, 286

Bragg, John W.

I, 27, 347

Bragg, John Wm.

II, 26, 321

Bramhal, Eileen

II, 74, 298

Bramhall, D. M.

I, 28, 355

Bramhall, D. M. [Mrs]

II, 26, 298


II, 26, 298

Brammeier, Marilyn

II, 26, 293


II, 26, 293

Bramwell, Isabel

I, 28, 356

Brand, Eva K.

II, 26, 303

Brandebery, A. E.

I, 28, 326

Brandebery, V. H.

I, 148, 326

Brandt, Robert [Mrs]

II, 26, 332

Brandt, Theodine

I, 28, 369;  II, 26, 332

Brandt, Wendy K.

II, 26, 288

Brane, Francis L

II, 26, 330

Brans, John L.

I, 28, 343

Brath, Ann

II, 26, 317

Brath, Ann J.

II, 14, 317

Braucht, Barbara

II, 27, 326

Braucht, J. I.

II, 27, 326

Braucht, Peter G.

II, 27, 326


II, 27, 326

Braun, George

II, 27, 332

Braus, J. L. [Mrs]

I, 28, 351

Bray, Roy T.

II, 27, 286

Breaze, George

I, 28, 311

Breaze, George A.

I, 28, 311

Breaze, Vera M.

II, 27, 299

Brecht, H. J.

I, 28, 274, 301

Brecht, Henry J.

I, 28, 301

Breckt, Henry

I, 53, 301


I, 53, 301

Breidster, Geo. E. [Mrs]

I, 29, 330

Breidster, George [Mrs]

I, 28, 330

Brekte, Hilda

II, 27, 292

Brendlinger, Joseph E.

II, 27, 324

Brenenstall, John

II, 27, 313

Brenestall, John W.

II, 27, 313

Brennan, John

II, 27, 289

Brent, Carl

II, 27, 325

Breshears, Arless

II, 225, 287

Bress, Jean

II, 27, 302

Bress, Larry

II, 27, 302


II, 27, 302

Breusch, Frank

II, 27, 330

Breuss, John

I, 214, 327

Brever, Joan M.

II, 38, 282

Brewer, [Mr]

I, 29, 337

Brewer, Alvin A.

I, 29, 329

Brewer, Clara

I, 29, 353

Brewer, Walter

I, 29, 350


II, 28, 302

Brickel, Wm.

I, 29, 312

Brickel, Wm. G.

I, 29, 312

Briddle, Jess

II, 28, 316

Bridle, George

I, 29, 300

Briggs, [Mrs]

I, 261, 292

Briggs, Ella Myler

I, 261, 292

Brigman, Robert J. [Mrs]

I, 29, 370

Bringle, Fred R.

II, 28, 301

Brinker, Ben [Mrs]

I, 29, 300

Brinker, Benjamin

I, 29, 300

Brinsfield, Glena

I, 29, 367

Brisendine, Daisy

II, 28, 325

Britton, James [Mrs]

II, 28, 297

Britton, James H. [Mrs]

I, 29, 354

Brock, Dewey

II, 28, 324

Brock, Donald M.

II, 28, 304

Brockway, Henry C.

I, 29, 30, 320

Bromley, H. H. [Mrs]

II, 28, 276

Bronson, Betty

II, 28, 314


II, 28, 314

Brooker, Walter

I, 28, 30, 355

Brooker, Walter J.

II, 28, 298

Brooks, [Mrs]

I, 31, 305

Brooks, Charles

I, 30, 31, 305

Brooks, Ernest

I, 30, 321;  II, 29, 274

Brooks, Frances

I, 30, 357

Brooks, J. W. [Mrs]

I, 30, 355

Brooks, John

I, 30, 65, 175, 176, 344

Brooks, John S. [Mrs]

I, 30, 324

Brooks, T. R.

I, 30, 355

Brooks, Thomas R.

II, 29, 297

Brooks, Thomas W.

II, 29, 305


II, 29, 160, 275, 282

Broomfield, [Mrs]

I, 129, 

Broudrick, Howard

II, 29, 288

Broughton, Francis

II, 168, 329

Brovand, [Mrs]

I, 31, 312

Brovand, Olive M.

I, 31, 312

Brower, Gilbert

I, 31, 339

Brown, [Mr]

I, 31, 306

Brown, [Mrs]

I, 32, 354

Brown, Clarence

I, 32, 314

Brown, Clarence [Mrs]

I, 31, 314

Brown, Clarence [Sr]

I, 31, 314

Brown, Dorothy

II, 29, 316