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Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives



Volume & Page Number

Facchinello, Primo

II, 71, 322

Facchinello, Ray

II, 71, 322

Fadeley, Aelesa H.

II, 71, 271

Fahey, Lillie

I, 81, 332;  II, 71, 278

Fahey, Robert

II, 71, 278

Failing, Chas.

I, 81, 315

Failing, Wilma C.

II, 71, 321

Fair, Elizabeth

II, 71, 328

Fairbanks, Betty

II, 71, 331

Fairfield, Harold

II, 71, 281

Faivre, Ruth

II, 71, 326

Falk, Otto J.

I, 81, 154, 360

Faller, G. W.

I, 81, 312

Fallers, S. W.

I, 81, 312

Faner, Jack

II, 72, 276

Fanth, Lew

I, 81, 298

Farago, Susan

II, 71, 327

Farleigh, Edith

I, 81, 336

Farnell, Edgar [Mrs]

I, 81, 304

Farnell, Edwin

II, 71, 273

Farnell, Rosa

I, 81, 304

Farnell, Rose

I, 82, 304

Farner, John W. [Mrs]

II, 72, 276

Farrand, Robert S.

II, 71, 293

Farrer, John W. [Mrs]

I, 82, 326

Fast, Galen

II, 72, 291


II, 72, 310

Faust, [Mrs]

I, 82, 368

Fay, Ray

I, 82, 364

Fears, Jane E. [Mrs]

I, 82, 330

Fears, Jane E. [Ms]

I, 82, 330

Feeker, [Mrs]

I, 82, 303

Feeney, Ann P.

II, 185, 328

Fehlman, Ronald

I, 82, 367

Feidler, Ralph

II, 72, 302


II, 72, 302

Fellingham, Fred C.

II, 72, 289

Fenton, James

II, 72, 297

Fenton, Lillian

I, 82, 354

Ferarese, Anrichetta

I, 82, 329

Ferguson, Arthur E. [Mrs]

I, 82, 325;  II, 72, 276

Ferguson, E. C.

II, 72, 315

Ferguson, Ernest C.

II, 72, 316

Ferguson, John

I, 82, 

Fernandez, Benito

I, 82, 339

Ferrell, Vernon

II, 72, 311

Ferril, John

I, 83, 359

Ferris, [Mrs]

I, 83, 335

Ferris, John

I, 83, 141, 335


II, 73, 280

Ferriter, Robert E.

II, 73, 313

Fetterhoff, Mollie O.

II, 73, 276

Fetterhoff, Russell

I, 83, 326

Ficklin, David

II, 73, 274

Ficklin, Mabel

II, 73, 274

Ficklin, Mable K.

I, 83, 322

Fiddelke, A. K. [Mrs]

I, 83, 357

Fiddelke, Fred H. [Mrs]

I, 83, 354

Fidler, Sam D.

I, 83, 369


II, 73, 329

Fikani, [Mr]

I, 83, 300

Fikani, Isaac

I, 83, 316

Fikani, John

I, 83, 300

Fikani, John G.

I, 83, 300

Fikani, John G. [Mrs]

I, 83, 335

Fikani, Sam N.

I, 18, 83, 327

Fikano, Frank [Mrs]

I, 227, 317

Fikini, Sam M.

I, 55, 327

Filter, Herbert

II, 73, 327

Fink, Fred R.

I, 83, 339

Finley, D. L.

I, 108, 

Finley, Dexter L.

I, 83, 84, 344, 351

Finley, Lillie

I, 40, 84, 320

Finley, Mable

II, 73, 307

Finn, Andrew

I, 84, 261, 336

Finn, Boden

I, 84, 336

Finn, Lewis

I, 221, 336;  II, 73, 280

Finn, Lewis A.

I, 84, 336

Finn, Richard F. [Mrs]

II, 73, 280

Finn, Thomas F.

II, 73, 313

First Baptist Church,

II, 81, 279

Fischback, Edward

I, 84, 339

Fischback, Edward J.

II, 73, 281

Fischer, Al

II, 42, 291

Fischer, C. D.

II, 74, 326

Fischer, H. A.

II, 74, 326

Fish, Lillian L.

II, 74, 323

Fisher, Elva Mae

II, 74, 288

Fisher, H. A.

II, 74, 326

Fisher, John K.

I, 84, 345

Fisher, Malcolm L.

II, 74, 309

Fisher, Terry

II, 74, 288

Fisk, Dale

I, 85, 339

Fiske, P. L.

I, 85, 336


I, 85, 293

Fister, Floyd

I, 84, 356

Fitzpatrick, Catherine

I, 85, 293

Fitzpatrick, Mary

I, 85, 293

Flair, Veda

II, 139, 293

Flanagan, Chas.

II, 74, 269

Flanagin, Josie

II, 74, 269

Flanigan, Mary F.

I, 85, 303

Flannery, Fennella (Frank) [Mrs]

I, 85, 370

Flannery, Fennella P.

II, 74, 334

Flannery, Frank [Mrs]

I, 85, 370

Flannigan, Chas.

I, 85, 303

Flannigan, H. [Mrs]

I, 85, 

Flannigan, James R.

I, 85, 303

Flannigan, W. F.

I, 85, 303

Flannigan, W. F. [Mrs]

I, 85, 303


I, 66, 303

Fleet, Benjamin D. [Mrs]

I, 85, 332

Fleming, Margarite

I, 45, 309

Fleming, Ray [Mrs]

I, 85, 332


II, 234, 269

Flemming, [Mrs]

I, 86, 303

Flemming, G. W.

I, 86, 305

Flemming, Margarite

I, 45, 86, 303

Flesher, Frank

II, 74, 270

Fletcher, Franklin E.

II, 106, 270

Fliam, Mary F.

II, 74, 287

Fliam, Richard

II, 74, 287

Flickinger, Rose Marie

II, 74, 322

Flint, Pearl D.

II, 74, 317

Flint, Wm.

I, 86, 338


II, 74, 317

Flowers, Donald

II, 75, 303

Floyd, Betty Jane

II, 136, 326

Floyd, Clayton

II, 128, 328

Floyd, Clayton [Mr & Mrs]

II, 136, 326

Floyd, Edgar

I, 86, 343

Flynn, Carrie M.

II, 75, 332

Flynn, Luke

I, 86, 137, 138, 317

Foat, Edwin A.

II, 75, 311

Fontana, Gretchen J.

II, 21, 316

Fontasia, J. [Mrs]

II, 75, 286

Foot, A.  M.

I, 216, 351

Ford, C. F.

I, 86, 87, 302, 305

Ford, Frank

I, 86, 302, 305;  II, 75, 269

Ford, Wm.

I, 87, 329

Ford, Wm. [Mrs]

I, 87, 302

Foreght, Dale

II, 225, 287

Foreman, Charles L.

II, 75, 301

Forristall, Lois Malloy

II, 144, 271

Forry, Donald

I, 87, 341

Forry, Donald R.

II, 75, 319

Forry, Ray

I, 87, 322

Fortune, J. E.

I, 87, 333

Fortune, Jack E.

II, 66, 279


II, 75, 282

Fosdick, Clyde

I, 87, 326

Fosdick, Courtney

I, 87, 346

Fosdick, George E.

II, 75, 320

Fosket, Frank

II, 75, 275

Fosket, J. W.

II, 75, 275

Fosket, Joan K.

II, 75, 309


II, 75, 309

Foskit, J. W.

I, 87, 325

Foster, Anna M.

I, 87, 321;  II, 75, 273

Foster, Cecile K.

II, 76, 288

Foster, Charles

I, 87, 330;  II, 76, 277

Foster, Fred

II, 76, 306

Foster, Michael A.

I, 87, 307

Foster, Nehemiah

I, 87, 300

Foster, Robert J.

I, 87, 298

Foster, Teresa A.

II, 189, 314


I, 230, 300

Fout, Brownie

II, 76, 304

Fout, Edith

II, 76, 304

Fout, Nettie

II, 76, 304

Fout, Norville

II, 76, 304

Fowler, Lena

I, 88, 305

Fowler, Lena [Mrs]

I, 88, 305

Fox, [Mrs]

I, 88, 300

Fox, David D.

II, 76, 330


I, 58, 88, 237, 271, 300

Foy, James

I, 34, 326

Foy, Ruby E.

II, 76, 312

Fraley, L. A.

I, 88, 369

Frame, [Mrs]

I, 88, 283, 294

Frame, Sadie

I, 283, 294

Frame, Sadie [Mrs]

I, 88, 228, 294

Franklin, [Mr]

I, 89, 293

Franklin, [Mrs]

I, 88, 291

Franklin, A.

II, 77, 282

Franklin, B.

II, 87, 268

Franklin, Benj.

I, 99, 293

Franklin, Benjamin

I, 888, 89, 114, 293

Franklin, George A.

II, 77, 294

Franklin, I. J.

II, 77, 282

Franklin, Patricia P.

II, 77, 294

Franklin, Virginia

II, 77, 288

Frantz, Alice

II, 77, 324

Frantz, Alice M.

I, 174, 175, 327

Franz, Dena

II, 189, 288

Franz, Ethel

II, 77, 286

Franz, Geo.

II, 189, 288

Franz, George

II, 77, 286

Franzen, [Mr]

II, 77, 270

Franzen, [Mrs]

I, 117, 360

Franzen, Cornelius

I, 89, 313

Franzen, Peter

I, 89, 315

Franzen, Peter [Mr & Mrs]

I, 117, 360


II, 77, 270

Fraser, Cora A.

II, 77, 314

Frasier, Harry W.

I, 89, 323

Frasier, Harry William

II, 77, 274


II, 41, 312

Frazier, Hugh

II, 77, 305

Frazier, Miller

I, 89, 365

Frederic, Wm.

I, 84, 349

Frederick, Roy [Mrs]

II, 77, 323

Frederickson, John A. [Mrs]

I, 89, 324;  II, 78, 275

Freebling, Alex

II, 78, 332

Freeland, Fred

I, 89, 346

Freeland, Geo. W.

I, 89, 341

Freeman, Doris E.

II, 78, 139, 288, 289

Freeman, Fred [Mrs]

I, 89, 350

Freeman, Lyndle

II, 78, 289

Freese, [Mr]

I, 89, 304

Freese, Arnold

I, 89, 304

Freese, Ed E.

II, 78, 327

Freese, Edwin E.

II, 78, 327

Freeze, Arnold

I, 89, 304

French, Belle

I, 89, 321, 326;  II, 78, 274

French, Nettie

I, 89, 180, 320

Frerichs, William F.

II, 78, 279

Frerichs, Wm. F.

I, 89, 332


II, 15, 279

Freshour, Earl

I, 90, 308

Freunhoff, Wm. C. [Jr]

I, 90, 327

Frink, [Mrs]

I, 90, 319

Frisby, Effie

II, 78, 332

Fritz, [Mr]

I, 90, 306

Fritz, Claude

I, 90, 329

Fritz, John

II, 78, 317

Fritz, John H.

I, 90, 329

Fritz, John H. [Jr]

II, 78, 312

Fritz, John H. [Sr]

II, 78, 317

Fritz, Thomas

I, 90, 329


I, 90, 306;  II, 78, 317

Froistad, John

II, 78, 294

Fromlath, [Mrs]

I, 90, 153, 311

Fromlath, Anna Ruth

I, 90, 311

Fry, Phillip G.

I, 90, 292

Frye, [Mr]

I, 90, 305

Frye, Ray

I, 90, 345

Frye, W. E.

I, 90, 308

Fryer, Ione [Mrs]

II, 186, 276

Fulfer, Elizabeth

II, 79, 279

Fulfer, J. A. [Mrs]

I, 90, 332

Fuller, Geo. E.

I, 90, 325

Fuller, George

II, 79, 276

Fuller, Howard

II, 79, 330

Fuller, Jullia S. [Mrs]

II, 79, 306

Fuller, Owen

II, 79, 293

Fulner, Lucy

I, 91, 349

Fulton, Clifford R.

II, 79, 270

Fulton, J. W.

I, 91, 311

Fulton, J. Wm.

I, 91, 311

Fulton, James Wm.

I, 91, 311

Fults, Clyde

II, 203, 322

Fults, Essie F.

II, 79, 321

Funk, Clifford [Mr & Mrs]

II, 56, 274

Funk, Elsie

II, 165, 328

Fuson, H. C.

I, 91, 309


I, 59, 309