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Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives



Volume & Page Number

Haack, George

I, 103, 359

Haberland, Geo. [Mrs]

I, 29, 346


II, 91, 293

Hackett, Charles [Sr] [Mrs]

II, 91, 285

Hackett, Charles K.

II, 91, 285

Hackett, Charles K. [Sr]

II, 91, 285

Hafemeister, [Mr]

II, 91, 317

Hafemeister, John

II, 91, 317

Hafemeister, Mary

II, 91, 317

Hage, Jennie

I, 103, 359

Hagerman, John

I, 103, 178, 337

Hagerman, John [Sr]

I, 103, 337

Hagge, P. W.

I, 103, 368

Hagge, Peter William

II, 91, 303

Hagstead, [Mrs]

I, 103, 313

Hahn, G. W.

I, 103, 349

Hahn, Mary

II, 167, 308

Hahndorf, Henry

II, 91, 315

Haight, George

I, 103, 293, 345

Haight, Martha [Mrs]

I, 103, 293

Haight, R. D.

I, 103, 293

Haight, Robert

I, 103, 293;  II, 91, 268

Haight, Robert D.

I, 103, 293


II, 91, 268

Haims, W. F.

II, 38, 309

Hainline, Laura

II, 92, 308


II, 92, 308

Haire, Mabel

I, 104, 324

Haire, Mabel M.

I, 184, 322

Hairgrove, Charlotte

II, 92, 294

Hairgrove, Kirby

II, 92, 294

Halbert, Morton A.

II, 92, 310

Haldeman, James F.

I, 104, 364

Hale, [Mrs]

II, 82, 282

Hale, Wm. [Mrs]

II, 82, 282


I, 98, 346

Hall, Dorothy

II, 4, 273

Hall, E. F.

II, 92, 302

Hall, Ed

II, 92, 302

Hall, G. B. [Mrs]

I, 104, 320

Hall, Margaret

I, 31, 287

Hall, Marvin

II, 92, 281

Hall, Pearl

II, 92, 310

Hall, T. H.

I, 115, 349

Hallagin, C.

I, 104, 345

Hallenbeck, Grace

II, 130, 302

Hallenbeck, Ray P. [Mrs]

II, 92, 307

Halliman, Bartlett

II, 92, 285

Hallock, Guy

I, 104, 

Ham, John

I, 249, 313;  II, 93, 270

Ham, John [Mrs]

I, 104, 313

Hamby, Alva C.

II, 93, 292

Hamilton, Edward E.

II, 93, 307

Hamilton, James W.

II, 255, 305

Hamilton, John

II, 93, 279

Hamilton, John W.

II, 93, 307

Hamilton, Joseph O.

I, 105, 344

Hamilton, Mathew F.

I, 105, 333

Hamilton, Matthew F.

II, 93, 279

Hamilton, Opal

II, 93, 308

Hamilton, Opal M.

II, 93, 308


II, 93, 307

Hammel, Ambrose

II, 93, 329

Hammersmith, Rose

I, 105, 235, 338

Hammond, Earl

I, 105, 340;  II, 93, 281

Hammond, Earl T.

II, 93, 280

Hammond, Marion [Rev]

II, 93, 326

Hammond, Marion E. [Mrs]

II, 93, 326


II, 93, 326

Hamon, Claude A.

II, 93, 313

Hand, Charles O.

II, 94, 318

Handran, Robert

II, 94, 319

Handran, Robert T.

II, 94, 303

Handwerk, Gertrude

I, 105, 370

Hanks, S. J. [Mrs]

I, 207, 307

Hanley, Carolyn

II, 94, 327

Hannaford, Geo.

I, 105, 294

Hanneman, Evelyn

II, 94, 309

Hanneman, F. A. [Mrs]

I, 105, 324

Hanneman, Frank A.

I, 105, 324;  II, 94, 275

Hannemann, Evelyn

II, 94, 309

Hannon, John F.

II, 94, 313, 317

Hannon, John F. [Jr]

II, 94, 313

Hannon, John F. [Mrs] [Sr]

II, 94, 313

Hansen, Alta

I, 105, 340

Hansen, Dagmar

II, 94, 331

Hansen, Harvey

I, 105, 303

Hansen, Howard

II, 76, 94, 288, 316

Hansen, N. J. [Mrs]

II, 94, 321

Hansen, Olaf

I, 105, 106, 145, 291

Hansen, Ole

I, 105, 291, 292

Hansen, Ole [Mrs]

I, 105, 291

Hansen, Wilma

II, 94, 331


II, 94, 321

Hanson, [Mrs]

I, 106, 327

Hanson, Andrew

II, 94, 294

Hanson, Elmer

II, 95, 299

Hanson, Harvey

I, 106, 303

Hanson, Howard

II, 76, 316

Hanson, Ila

II, 94, 294

Hanson, Ole

I, 105, 292


I, 106, 239, 303

Hanwell, A. E.

I, 106, 324


II, 95, 275

Hardin, B. C. [Mrs]

I, 106, 330

Hardy, Neil

II, 43, 313

Hargadine, Gordon

II, 61, 316

Hargis, [Mr]

I, 106, 343

Hargis, [Mrs]

I, 106, 343

Hargis, Fred

I, 106, 122, 343

Hargis, Paris

I, 66, 106, 343, 344;  II, 95, 282

Haries, Myrtle

II, 195, 321


II, 115, 268

Harlan, Ernest

I, 213, 354

Harlan, Margaret R.

I, 106, 354;  II, 95, 297

Harman, Edna

II, 95, 307

Harman, M. H. [Mrs]

I, 106, 322

Harmon, Ernest D.

I, 106, 308

Harn, Esther M.

II, 95, 305

Harner, [Mrs]

I, 107, 336

Harner, J.

I, 107, 336

Harper, Brentice

I, 107, 329

Harper, Margaret

II, 95, 304

Harper, Victor

II, 95, 281

Harrell, Helen

II, 95, 291

Harrell, Margaret E.

II, 95, 324

Harriman, [Mrs]

I, 107, 300

Harriman, Geo W.

I, 107, 300

Harriman, Geo.

I, 107, 266, 267, 300

Harriman, George

I, 107, 177, 266, 300


II, 95, 287

Harris, Ada Belle

II, 95, 279

Harris, Adabelle

I, 107, 332

Harris, Charles C. [Jr]

I, 107, 341

Harris, D. M.

I, 223, 347

Harris, E. H.

II, 132, 324

Harris, Frederick

I, 229, 362

Harris, John

II, 96, 319

Harris, Mary

I, 107, 340

Harris, O. A.

II, 96, 330

Harris, Opal

II, 49, 328

Harris, Robert A.

II, 31, 322

Harris, Walter E.

I, 107, 332

Harrod, [Mrs]

I, 6, 359

Harrold, Charles E.

I, 107, 369;  II, 96, 329

Hart, Malcolm F.

II, 96, 314

Hart, Marie [Mrs]

I, 107, 328

Hart, Mary

I, 108, 361

Hart, Mary [Mrs]

I, 108, 361

Hart, Myrtle

II, 96, 314

Hart, Virginia E.

I, 168, 332

Hart, Virginia E.

II, 152, 279

Hart, May

I, 22, 337


II, 96, 314


II, 96, 324

Hartley, Margaret

I, 16, 369

Hartley, Ruth M.

II, 3, 317

Hartman, Jean

II, 96, 292

Hartman, Mark

II, 96, 326

Hartman, Mark F.

II, 96, 326

Hartman, Roxy D.

II, 96, 326

Hartwig, Naomi M.

II, 11, 267

Hartz, Lydia Sinclair

II, 96, 277

Harvey, C. B.

I, 108, 356

Harvey, Gerald W.

II, 96, 324

Harvey, Morgan

II, 96, 327

Harvey, Shirley Ann

II, 96, 331

Harvey, William P.

II, 96, 331

Harwood, John

I, 108, 362

Hasack, [Mrs]

I, 108, 313

Hashberger, Ralph

II, 226, 270

Haskins, Agusta

I, 108, 328

Haskins, Albert [Mrs]

I, 108, 298

Haskins, Earl V.

II, 97, 270

Haskins, Edith

I, 95, 96, 288

Haskins, Eliza J.

I, 4, 108, 298

Haskins, Sarah [Mrs]

I, 175, 308

Hasler, Hall

II, 97, 287

Hasselberger, Maxine

II, 97, 285

Hassoldt, John

I, 108, 359

Hassoldt, John C. [Mrs]

II, 97, 269

Hassoldt, Nellie [Mrs]

I, 108, 322

Hastings, Alice

II, 97, 318, 331

Hastings, Wallace

II, 97, 318

Haston, Ben

I, 251, 331;  II, 97, 278

Hatch, Sarah Susan

II, 97, 302


II, 97, 302

Hatcher, J. H.

I, 108, 362

Hathaway, H. A.

I, 108, 315

Hathaway, Hazel

II, 257, 329

Hathaway, Louis Pete

II, 97, 330


II, 97, 330

Havener, Lida

I, 109, 304

Hawk, Mae T.

II, 97, 167, 317

Hawkins, Zella M.

II, 97, 305

Hawley, Andrew [Mrs]

I, 109, 339

Hawn, Henry [Mrs]

I, 109, 330

Hawthorn, Daniel E.

I, 109, 327

Hawthorn, Daniel J.

I, 109, 327

Hawthorn, Thomas

I, 109, 249, 297

Hawthorn, Thos.

I, 109, 297

Hawthorne, Thomas

I, 109, 297

Hawthorne, Thos.

I, 70, 109, 297

Hay, [Mrs]

I, 109, 311

Hay, Henrietta

II, 257, 269

Hay, W. M.

II, 98, 301


II, 98, 301

Hayden, Don

II, 98, 311, 317

Hayden, Donald

II, 98, 311


II, 98, 311

Hayes, [Mrs]

I, 109, 304

Hayes, M. J. [Mrs]

I, 109, 304

Haynes, John

I, 109, 325

Haynes, Lucy

I, 196, 298

Hays, C. F.

I, 109, 339

Hays, Elmo

I, 109, 331

Haystead, Albert

I, 109, 313;  II, 217, 271

Head, Leola V.

II, 98, 313

Headla, Barbara

II, 14, 307

Headlee, Don

II, 147, 331

Headstrom, Irene

II, 97, 270

Heard, Christina B.

II, 98, 313

Heard, John A.

II, 98, 313


II, 98, 313

Heath, Lloyd

I, 110, 324

Heath, Wm. T. [Mrs]

I, 144, 331

Heathers, Alice E.

II, 98, 312

Hebel, Kathrine

II, 98, 282

Hebel, William

I, 110, 351;  II, 98, 283


II, 98, 282

Hecht, Dora

II, 99, 329

Heckert, Frances

II, 155, 324

Heckman, William

I, 110, 361

Hedrick, Edward M.

II, 163, 313

Heeren, Gordon S.

I, 110, 345

Hefestay, Frank

II, 99, 304

Heffneider, B. [Mrs]

I, 171, 

Heidenreich, Emmy

II, 99, 290

Heider, Richard [Mr & Mrs]

II, 99, 287

Hein, Adam

II, 99, 275

Hein, Peter

I, 110, 324

Heinig, Julius

I, 141, 336;  II, 58, 280

Heinlein, Clara

II, 129, 326

Heitlinger, [Mr]

I, 110, 317

Heller, Ed

II, 99, 314

Heller, Elmer J.

I, 110, 354

Hellyer, William A.

I, 110, 330

Hellyer, Wm. A.

I, 110, 330

Helm, Wm.

I, 162, 320

Helmer, [Mr]

I, 110, 315

Helmer, [Mrs]

I, 110, 315

Helmer, Anton [Jr]

I, 110, 

Helmer, Anton [Mrs]

I, 110, 315

Helmer, George

II, 99, 321

Helmer, John

I, 110, 111, 336

Helmer, Mary [Mrs]

I, 81, 110, 315

Helmer, Mary E.

II, 99, 321

Helmer, T. L.

II, 123, 271


II, 98, 123, 271

Helmers, John

I, 187, 336

Helmick, Rosa J.

II, 28, 324

Helmick, William

I, 111, 300

Helmick, Wm.

I, 111, 300

Helms, Charles

I, 111, 349

Helms, Chas.

I, 111, 349

Heltmach, Ronald A.

II, 99, 320

Helwig, Herschel

I, 111, 306, 307

Helwig, Hershel

I, 111, 307

Helwig, Hershell

I, 111, 307

Hembree, Ernest C.

I, 111, 324


II, 99, 275

Henderson, Bessie M.

II, 99, 298

Henderson, Bessie M. L.

I, 111, 356

Henderson, Clyde K.

II, 99, 287

Henderson, Donald [Mrs]

I, 111, 369

Henderson, Fred

I, 111, 351

Henderson, Fred E.

I, 111, 329

Hendrix, Frances N.

II, 47, 330

Hendrix, James A.

II, 99, 100, 277

Hendrix, Robert A.

II, 99, 277

Henne, Lorraine

II, 100, 321

Hennessy, Evelyn

II, 103, 287

Hennessy, Patricia

II, 103, 287

Henry, Calvin

I, 112, 340;  II, 100, 281

Henry, E. W. [Mrs]

I, 185, 353

Henry, Eleanor

I, 111, 320

Henry, Eleanor S.

II, 100, 273

Henry, Hattie S.

II, 100, 299

Henry, Janet

II, 100, 290

Henry, Joe

I, 42, 317

Henry, Joseph S. [Mrs]

I, 112, 369

Henry, O. L. [Mrs]

I, 112, 357

Henschen, Cora M.

I, 112, 324

Henthorn, Nate

I, 112, 301

Herbert, Kenneth M.

II, 100, 326

Herivel, Shirley M.

II, 63, 325

Herman, Charles W.

II, 100, 329

Herman, Otto E. [Mrs]

I, 86, 112, 325

Hermanspan, Robert

II, 100, 318

Hernage, Jane

I, 112, 354

Herndon, C. M.

I, 112, 344

Hernig, Julius

I, 112, 336

Heron, Ruth W.

II, 100, 325


II, 100, 325

Herrick, E. A.

I, 113, 288

Herrick, H. E.

I, 33, 112, 113, 197, 271, 315

Herrick, R. D.

I, 113, 175, 299, 368

Herrick, Robert [Jr]

I, 113, 299

Herrick, Robert D.

I, 112, 113, 299

Herrick, Robert S.

II, 100, 277

Herrick, Robt.

I, 113, 199, 327


I, 199, 327

Herrick & Dale,

II, 53, 276

Herrin, Herman

I, 113, 309

Herrin, Hermin

I, 113, 309

Herrin, V. C.

I, 113, 291

Herring, Charles

II, 100, 291

Herrold, Omar C.

II, 101, 306


II, 101, 306

Hersey, Carolyn

II, 101, 321

Hertz, Jas. L.

I, 66, 302

Hertz, Jas. L. [Mrs]

I, 66, 302

Hertz, Joseph L.

I, 113, 302


I, 67, 302

Hertzog, Anna

II, 101, 270

Herzog, Walter

II, 185, 282

Hess, Icie

I, 113, 333

Hesse, Geo. M.

II, 101, 303

Hesse, Geo. M. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 101, 303

Hesse, George M. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 101, 303

Hesse, Henry

II, 101, 326

Hesse, Henry M.

II, 101, 326

Hesseltine, J. Grant

II, 101, 331


II, 101, 331

Heston, Lawrence

II, 101, 291

Heuer, Dellah

II, 97, 315

Hevener, Phoebe [Mrs]

I, 114, 294

Hewitt, Donald B.

II, 76, 101, 307, 312

Hewitt, Raymond

II, 101, 310

Hewitt, Robert

II, 101, 310

Hewitt, Robert M.

II, 76, 101, 307, 312


II, 101, 307

Heyer, A. W.

I, 14, 

Heyvaert, A.

I, 114, 331

Hiatt, Gail

II, 101, 319

Higgins, Nicholas C.

I, 114, 116, 289, 349

Higginson, Alice M.

I, 114, 323;  II, 101, 274

Higginson, David

II, 102, 311

Hightower, [Mr]

I, 114, 293

Hildebrand, Eliz.

I, 115, 316

Hildebrand, Elizabeth

I, 114, 115, 316

Hildebrand, Francis

I, 114, 115, 231, 312, 343

Hildebrand, Gena L.

II, 132, 309

Hildebrand, Jacob

I, 114, 347

Hildebrand, Jake

I, 114, 316

Hildebrand, L. [Mrs]

I, 115, 316

Hildebrand, Lizzie

I, 114, 115, 316

Hildebrand, Lizzie [Mrs]

I, 114, 316

Hildebrand, Margaret

II, 237, 277


II, 102, 271

Hildenbrand, Margaret

II, 172, 277

Hiler, Ira

II, 102, 305

Hilger, Chas. A.

I, 115, 333

Hilgers, Cynthia [Mrs]

II, 102, 311

Hill, Agnes

II, 102, 298

Hill, Edna H.

II, 253, 309

Hill, Frank

II, 102, 142, 303

Hill, Geo H.

I, 115, 306

Hill, George H.

I, 115, 306

Hill, Inez [Mrs]

I, 19, 362

Hill, J. B.

II, 107, 329

Hill, J. D.

I, 19, 115, 276, 363

Hill, J. D. [Mrs]

I, 115, 363

Hill, John [Mrs]

I, 248, 345

Hill, Jos. L.

I, 115, 123, 301

Hill, Joseph L.

I, 115, 301;  II, 102, 269

Hill, Julius D.

I, 115, 363

Hill, Margaret

II, 198, 299

Hill, O. G.

I, 75, 293

Hill, Oliver

II, 102, 280

Hill, Oliver C.

II, 102, 280

Hill, Oscar G.

I, 115, 293

Hill, Peggy M.

I, 115, 325

Hill, Walter

I, 116, 346


I, 115, 301;  II, 141, 303

Hillman, Winnie

I, 116, 351

Hills, Ruby V.

II, 250, 330

Hilmer, Mary [Mrs]

II, 98, 271

Hilton, Leon D.

II, 102, 317

Hilton, Loren

II, 102, 317


II, 102, 317

Hindman, Robt.

I, 116, 323

Hindry, Halia M.

II, 102, 320

Hine, Rolfe

II, 102, 332

Hineman, [Mr & Mrs]

I, 116, 329

Hineman, S. B.

I, 116, 329

Hines, [Mr & Mrs]

II, 103, 291

Hinman, J. T.

I, 116, 308

Hinrichs, E. L.

I, 116, 345

Hinst, C.

I, 116, 289

Hinst, Christian

I, 116, 289

Hirely, Harry [Mr & Mrs]

I, 264, 292

Hirschberg, Charles

II, 103, 322

Hirschberg, Jeanette

II, 103, 322

Hitchcock, [Mrs]

I, 116, 313

Hitchcock, Glen C. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 103, 303

Hitchcock, Myrtle E.

II, 103, 326

Hively, Harry [Mr & Mrs]

I, 264, 292

Hix, [Mrs]

I, 116, 304

Hix, Irene

I, 242, 304

Hix, Irene Stills

I, 116, 304

Hoagland, John G.

II, 103, 304

Hoagland, John G. [Jr]

I, 116, 367

Hoagland, Martha E.

II, 103, 313

Hoagland, Robert

II, 103, 301

Hoang, An Van

II, 170, 290

Hobbs, William A.

II, 103, 281

Hockaday, Charles

I, 117, 288

Hockom, Donna

II, 103, 289

Hockom, Joe

II, 103, 289


II, 103, 289

Hodges, Doris Mae

I, 117, 370

Hodges, Flint J.

I, 117, 306

Hoehl, Gretchen

II, 75, 309

Hoemig, Charles

II, 103, 324

Hoemig, Joyce

II, 103, 324

Hoffinger, Dolores

I, 180, 326

Hoffman, Anna K.

II, 104, 307

Hoffman, Eloise

II, 104, 318

Hoffman, J. W.

I, 117, 343

Hoffman, Josephine

II, 104, 322

Hoffman, M. E.

I, 117, 370

Hoffman, Matthew

II, 104, 307

Hoffman, O. C.

I, 117, 367;  II, 104, 301

Hofforth, F. L.

II, 104, 325

Hogan, Paul J.

I, 117, 147, 307

Hoggatt, Eve D.

II, 56, 325

Hole, Berdine H. [Mrs]

II, 104, 286

Holifield, Aug. M.

I, 151, 

Holifield, Ida

I, 151, 339

Holifield, Ida [Mrs]

I, 151, 339

Holifield, Ida R.

II, 104, 287

Holifield, Julius

I, 117, 151, 339, 346

Holifield, Marshall

I, 117, 346

Holifield, Robert

II, 104, 287

Holland, J. W.

I, 117, 328

Holland, John K.

I, 118, 332

Holland, Joseph W.

I, 117, 328

Holland, Robert J. [Mrs]

I, 118, 344

Hollenbeck, Marvin

II, 238, 314

Holliday, Amy

I, 118, 349

Holliday, Mark V.

II, 104, 282

Holliman, Bartlett

II, 104, 285

Hollingsworth, C. D.

I, 56, 354

Hollman, Edwin

II, 104, 305

Hollman, Edwin J.

II, 96, 104, 305, 327

Hollman, H. E.

II, 64, 321

Holloway, David Edward [Jr]

II, 105, 293

Holloway, J. G.

I, 118, 340

Holloway, O. E.

I, 118, 340


II, 104, 280

Holm, George

II, 105, 303

Holm, George W.

II, 105, 305

Holm, Georgia J.

II, 105, 304, 305

Holm, Marie J.

II, 105, 305

Holm, Wilbur M.

I, 118, 330

Holm, Wilbur N.

I, 118, 331

Holman, Richard W.

II, 87, 297

Holmes, Charles T. [Mrs]

II, 105, 276

Holmes, Chas. T. [Mrs]

I, 118, 326

Holmes, Robert R.

II, 105, 312

Holmquist, Delia

II, 105, 333

Holmquist, Roy T.

II, 105, 333

Holt, [Mr]

I, 118, 339

Holzemer, Harold

II, 105, 327


II, 105, 327

Holzhauer, William

I, 118, 325;  II, 105, 275

Hombree, Ernest C.

II, 55, 316

Honwell, Ora E.

II, 95, 275

Hood Mortuary,

II, 130, 330

Hooper, Charles

II, 105, 303

Hooper, Clifford C.

II, 105, 303

Hoosier, I. H.

I, 118, 292

Hoover, W. Farrin

II, 105, 298

Hopkins, Covert

II, 106, 317

Hopkins, Sylvia

II, 106, 317

Hopkins, Sylvia B.

II, 106, 148, 302, 317

Hopper, D. G.

II, 106, 331

Hopper, Dwight G.

II, 106, 331

Hopper, Elmer G.

II, 106, 331

Hopper, John A.

II, 231, 320

Horen, Benj J.

II, 106, 326

Horen, Benjamin J.

II, 106, 326

Horn, D. O.

II, 186, 332

Horn, Jessie

II, 186, 332

Hornbostel, Ernest

I, 119, 367;  II, 106, 301

Hornbostel, Milton

II, 106, 301

Hornbuckle, B. W.

I, 119, 338

Hornbuckle, B. W. [Mr & Mrs]

I, 281, 338

Hornbuckle, Ben

I, 119, 338

Hornbuckle, Floyd S.

II, 106, 280

Hornbuckle, Frank

I, 119, 338

Hornbuckle, Robert F.

I, 119, 338


II, 106, 280

Hornsby, Bonnie

II, 25, 298

Hornsten, Rudolph

II, 106, 329

Hornsten, Rudolph C.

II, 106, 329

Horton, [Mr]

II, 106, 286

Horton, Arthur

II, 106, 286

Horton, Dena

II, 106, 286

Horton, Dora

I, 119, 

Horton, James

I, 119, 349

Horton, James S.

I, 119, 349

Hosack, Lillie

I, 63, 119, 313

Hosken, Mildred E.

II, 107, 309

Hoskin, Freda

II, 63, 277

Hoskin, Irene

I, 119, 324

Hoskin, Jim

II, 107, 274

Hoskin, John R.

II, 107, 274

Hoskin, Louise [Mrs]

I, 206, 320

Hoskins, Clarence T.

I, 120, 288

Hoskins, Clarence T. [Mr & Mrs]

I, 119, 120, 288

Hoskins, Eliza J.

I, 4, 108, 298

Hoskins, Eliza Jane

I, 119, 298

Hoskins, James [Mrs]

I, 119, 321

Hostetler, Carrie

II, 107, 298

Hostetler, James W. [Mrs]

I, 120, 356

Hostetler, P. D. [Mrs]

I, 120, 356

Hostetler, Robert

I, 120, 341

Hostetter, Helen E.

II, 107, 318

Hostitler, P. D. [Mrs]

II, 107, 298

Houck, Emmett

II, 107, 318

Hough, K. E. [Mrs]

I, 247, 326

Houseman, Ronald J.

II, 107, 311

Howard, Earle

II, 188, 315

Howard, Edna

II, 107, 292

Howard, Edna C.

II, 82, 313

Howard, Eugene

I, 191, 370

Howard, H. T. T.

I, 120, 341

Howard, Maribell

II, 63, 288

Howard, Victor

I, 120, 325;  II, 107, 276

Howard, W. R. [Mrs]

II, 108, 323


II, 107, 281, 292

Howarth, Abe

I, 120, 305;  II, 108, 269

Howarth, Abe [Jr]

I, 120, 305

Howarth, Abe [Sr]

I, 120, 305

Howarth, John

I, 120, 330

Howe, Charles

I, 120, 121, 341

Howe, Charlie

I, 120, 341

Howell, George

II, 200, 323

Howell, George S.

II, 200, 323

Howell, Kenneth D.

II, 108, 280

Howell, Troy

I, 121, 354, 355

Howell, Walter

I, 121, 355

Hower, Loree D. Gibson

II, 108, 330

Howland, Jessie E.

II, 108, 324

Hoyer, Merle

I, 121, 326

Hoyle, D. C.

I, 121, 350

Hoyt, Val

II, 87, 314

Hresiokt, Joseph J.

II, 108, 289

Hubbard, L. R. [Mrs]

I, 121, 330

Hubert, [Mr]

I, 121, 349

Hubler, Howard

I, 121, 340

Hubregtse, Henry

II, 108, 302

Hubregtse, Merle

II, 108, 302

Hubrigtse, Henry

II, 108, 302

Huck, John

I, 121, 308

Huck, John P.

I, 121, 

Hudson, Bertha

II, 108, 313

Hudson, Harry [Mrs]

I, 256, 353

Huff, Bernard C.

I, 121, 341

Huff, Ethel

II, 108, 310

Huffman, Sam

II, 138, 329

Huggins, Thomas

I, 122, 301

Hughes, [Mr]

I, 122, 343

Hughes, Gloria

II, 72, 322

Hughtaling, Debbra

II, 104, 327

Hugins, [Mrs]

I, 93, 199, 294, 301

Hugins, Adelaide A.

I, 122, 370

Hugins, James

I, 122, 301

Hugins, James [Mrs]

I, 93, 107, 199, 294, 295, 301

Hugins, Maggie

I, 93, 122, 272, 301

Hugins, Thomas

I, 122, 123, 301

Hugins, Thomas S.

I, 122, 301

Hugins, Thos. [Mrs]

I, 196, 301

Hugins, Thos. S.

I, 122, 301

Hugins, Wm.

I, 123, 301

Hull, H. R.

II, 109, 301

Hull, Hollie R.

II, 109, 301

Huls, George A.

I, 123, 342

Huls, Leo

II, 109, 311

Huls, Lois L.

II, 109, 313

Huls, Nelson Virgil

II, 109, 320

Huls, William

II, 109, 315

Huls, William [Mrs]

II, 152, 332

Huls, Wm.

II, 109, 315


II, 109, 315, 319

Hultz, Jos. E.

I, 123, 312

Hultz, Joseph E.

I, 123, 312

Hultz, Maude A.

II, 109, 307