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Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives



Volume & Page Number

Tackwell, Mable

II, 127, 334

Takas, Arlene

II, 139, 293

Talamantes, Gilbert

II, 231, 291

Talbot, Bill

II, 231, 317

Talbott, Delbert W.

I, 247, 354

Talcott, [Mrs]

I, 247, 315

Talcott, J. W.

I, 261, 315

Talcott, Joseph W.

I, 247, 315

Talent, J. J.

I, 247, 356

Talent, Jesse J.

II, 231, 298

Tallen, Roy

II, 231, 313

Tallman, Ethel [Mrs]

I, 47, 356

Talon, Joseph H.

II, 231, 316

Tancher, Albert

II, 231, 315

Tancher, Mike

I, 247, 323

Tangye, Bert

II, 231, 313

Tangye, Phillip

I, 247, 331

Tangye, Wayne

II, 231, 313

Tanner, William F. [Sr]

II, 231, 289

Tatum, Clyde

II, 231, 316

Taylor, B. J.

II, 232, 304

Taylor, Barbara

II, 161, 293

Taylor, Charles W.

II, 231, 281

Taylor, Clyde

I, 217, 331

Taylor, Ethel M.

II, 232, 299

Taylor, Floyd

I, 248, 359

Taylor, Gordon [Mrs]

II, 113, 320

Taylor, Hazen

I, 220, 360

Taylor, Henry [Jr]

I, 248, 353

Taylor, J. F.

I, 248, 361

Taylor, J. P.

I, 248, 331

Taylor, John W.

I, 248, 353

Taylor, Lena P.

II, 232, 312

Taylor, Loyd

I, 129, 365

Taylor, Malcolm

II, 232, 297

Taylor, Nellie

I, 248, 357;  II, 232, 298

Taylor, Oliver M. [Mrs]

II, 232, 321

Taylor, Ralph M.

I, 248, 353

Taylor, Rena

II, 232, 305

Taylor, Sherman

I, 248, 341

Taylor, Sherman S.

II, 232, 297

Taylor, Vera

II, 35, 317


II, 232, 297

Teats, Mary E.

I, 248, 328

Teats, Mary E. [Mrs]

I, 214, 335

TeBrink, Alfred

II, 233, 281

Tefft, Chris

II, 50, 328

Telin, Marie

II, 233, 281

Tellar, Bertha E.

II, 233, 332

Tellen, [Mrs]

I, 271, 300

Teller, Bertha E.

I, 248, 370

Tellin, Marie

I, 249, 340

Temple, G. Rae

II, 119, 329

Terrill, Richard

II, 233, 311

Terry, Edna [Mrs]

I, 249, 322

Terry, George W.

II, 233, 277

Terry, Marie

II, 233, 315

Tharp, Margaret L.

II, 233, 306

Thatcher, Wm. [Mrs]

I, 249, 309

Thayer, Helen

II, 233, 308

Thayer, Rachael

II, 233, 293


II, 233, 293

Thayne, Alice

I, 249, 356

Theisen, John [Mrs]

I, 96, 301

Theisen, May

I, 249, 330


I, 249, 300;  II, 233, 277

Thelan, Frank

II, 224, 329

Thelen, Frank

II, 224, 329

Thilges, Henry W.

II, 233, 318

Thomas, [Mr]

I, 250, 306

Thomas, [Mrs]

I, 250, 316

Thomas, Bill

II, 234, 332

Thomas, E. B.

I, 250, 306

Thomas, Electa F.

I, 250, 346

Thomas, H. R. [Mrs]

I, 249, 250, 325

Thomas, Henry

I, 250, 340

Thomas, James M.

I, 250, 368;  II, 233, 304

Thomas, John B.

I, 249, 250, 324

Thomas, Kenneth R.

I, 249, 343

Thomas, LeRoy

II, 234, 281

Thomas, Leroy C.

I, 250, 340

Thomas, Lila

II, 234, 332

Thomas, Marvin

II, 233, 328

Thomas, Opal L.

II, 29, 307

Thomas, Ronald

II, 233, 328

Thomas, U. C.

I, 250, 304;  II, 234, 269

Thomas, Ulva C.

I, 249, 250, 304

Thomas, W. H.

II, 234, 315


II, 233, 269

Thomason, Ruth

II, 234, 330

Thompson, [Rev]

I, 250, 361

Thompson, A. T.

I, 250, 325

Thompson, Alan H.

II, 162, 314

Thompson, Bertha

I, 251, 359

Thompson, Cathleen

II, 234, 309

Thompson, Charles

I, 251, 314

Thompson, Charles L.

I, 251, 314;  II, 234, 271

Thompson, Dave

II, 234, 320

Thompson, David

II, 234, 320

Thompson, E. A. King [Mr & Mrs]

II, 234, 323

Thompson, F. [Mrs]

I, 50, 357

Thompson, Geo. [Mrs]

I, 251, 301

Thompson, Guy F.

I, 251, 332;  II, 234, 279

Thompson, Jack A.

II, 235, 310

Thompson, LeRoy

II, 234, 310

Thompson, Lois

II, 160, 299

Thompson, Roy L.

I, 250, 341

Thompson, W. C.

II, 129, 234, 280

Thompson, Wm. Claude

II, 235, 280


II, 234, 298, 303

Thomson, Mattie H.

I, 251, 331;  II, 235, 278

Thorine, Oscar

I, 251, 324

Thorn, Iona

II, 235, 323

Thorn, Joe

I, 202, 370

Thornburg, Dolly May

II, 235, 286

Thornburg, Sarah

I, 251, 341

Thorp, Alma [Mrs]

II, 131, 282

Thorp, Wm. W. [Mrs]

I, 47, 350

Thurman, [Mrs]

I, 226, 251, 316

Thurman, Charles

II, 235, 271

Thurman, Emma

I, 73, 233, 251, 316

Thurman, Emma [Mrs]

I, 226, 316

Thurman, H. G. [Mrs]

I, 251, 316


II, 235, 271

Tibbs, H. F. [Mrs]

II, 235, 317

Tietze, Eileen E.

II, 235, 293

Tikani, Sam

II, 73, 277

Tilkens, Lee

II, 85, 286

Tiller, [Mr]

I, 252, 306

Tillotson, J. D.

I, 252, 355;  II, 235, 297

Timberlake, John E.

II, 235, 329

Tischler, Wm. C.

II, 235, 287

Todd, [Mrs]

I, 252, 316

Todd, John S.

II, 221, 271

Todd, John W. [Mrs]

I, 252, 316

Toelle, Louise W.

I, 252, 344

Toepfer, Augusta

I, 252, 328

Tolsma, Harry

I, 252, 344

Tomkins, Gilbert

I, 252, 302

Tompkins, Gilbert

I, 252, 253, 302

Tomsha, Lillian B.

II, 236, 307

Toner, Helen M.

II, 138, 279

Tool, E. Mina

II, 236, 288

Tool, Jean K.

II, 236, 288

Torba, Mary

II, 79, 290

Torell, Donald T. [Mrs]

I, 173, 370;  II, 157, 333

Tornow, Herbert H.

I, 253, 345

Torres, Michael E.

I, 253, 331

Torscher, Richard

II, 236, 289

Tortorelli, Lynne

II, 236, 294

Tortorelli, Randy

II, 236, 294

Totton, G. H.

I, 253, 354

Towle, D. M.

I, 253, 316

Towle, Dixon M.

I, 253, 316

Townsley, Betty E.

II, 236, 290

Townsley, Wm. D.

II, 236, 290

Tracy, Walter T.

I, 253, 370

Trail, Virseta

I, 149, 353

Tramel, [Mr]

I, 253, 347

Tramel, [Rev]

I, 253, 347

Tramel, Thomas

II, 236, 282

Tramel, Thomas J.

II, 236, 282

Tramel, Thomas J. [Rev]

I, 253, 347


I, 253, 347

Trathen, John

I, 253, 328

Traut, Alice

II, 97, 302

Traut, Geo. [Mrs]

I, 254, 307

Traut, George

I, 253, 346

Traut, George [Sr]

I, 254, 333;  II, 236, 279

Traut, Gertrude E.

II, 236, 287

Traut, Lena [Mrs]

I, 254, 307

Traver, E. William

II, 237, 271

Travers, David

I, 254, 316

Travers, David [Mrs]

I, 254, 306

Travers, E. W.

I, 127, 316

Travers, E. William

I, 254, 316

Travers, Marion E.

I, 254, 316

Travis, Harvey A.

II, 125, 293

Travis, Ira

II, 237, 269

Travis, Ira V.

I, 254, 303

Travis, Maxine

II, 55, 279

Travis, Sally

II, 125, 293

Traynor, Rita V.

II, 237, 277

Traynor, William

II, 237, 277

Traynor, William J.

I, 254, 330


II, 237, 277

Trego, Guy E.

I, 254, 341

Trego, Louise

II, 237, 279

Tribble, Ann

II, 236, 289

Tribble, Ann Louise

II, 236, 289

Tribble, Tom E.

II, 235, 291

Trosper, Belle

I, 6, 254, 322

Trotter, G. A.

I, 254, 351

Trottner, Mary

II, 237, 277

Troughton, F. C.

I, 254, 340

Troughton, Frank C.

II, 237, 281

Trout, K. V.

I, 255, 336;  II, 237, 280

Troyer, Michael

II, 237, 304

Trudell, Aretha

II, 81, 333

Trueax, Julia

II, 237, 333

Trujillo, Juan

I, 255, 370

Trujillo, L. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 237, 288

Trusell, Fred C.

II, 237, 331

Tryon, Dick

I, 255, 339

Tryon, Elsie M.

II, 238, 322

Tucker, A. G.

I, 255, 343

Tucker, Rose

II, 258, 316

Tullar, Buelah

II, 216, 318

Tully, Phyllis F.

II, 160, 283

Turk, Emma J.

II, 238, 305

Turk, H. E.

II, 238, 305

Turnbow, Opal V.

I, 171, 341

Turner, [Mr]

I, 256, 313

Turner, Alfred

I, 255, 343

Turner, Arthur B. [Mrs]

I, 255, 370

Turner, C. E.

I, 142, 255, 326, 333

Turner, Charles

I, 255, 365

Turner, Charles E.

II, 238, 276

Turner, Elton A. [Mrs]

II, 238, 303

Turner, H. E.

I, 256, 313

Turner, John

II, 238, 313

Turner, John T.

I, 256, 316;  II, 238, 313

Turner, Marie

II, 238, 290

Turner, Marie J.

II, 210, 268

Turner, Noah L.

I, 256, 331

Turner, Ray

I, 255, 345

Turner, Roy E.

II, 238, 332


I, 255, 313

Turnipseed, Martin V.

I, 256, 300

Tuttle, [Mr]

I, 256, 319

Tuttle, Betty P.

II, 215, 318

Tuttle, W. E.

II, 238, 273

Tuttle, Wm.

II, 238, 285

Tutwiler, [Mrs]

I, 256, 364

Tutwiler, Viola

II, 187, 298

Tutwiler, Viola O.

I, 256, 364

Tyner, Geneva

II, 239, 304, 305