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Index of Owners and Nearest Relatives



Volume & Page Number

M. Mowry, Effie

II, 164, 334

Maas, [Mr]

I, 159, 353

Maason, John

I, 159, 336


I, 251, 336

MacBroom, Wm.

I, 142, 294

Macias, Rafael

I, 159, 338

Macies, Rafael

I, 159, 338

Macious, Rafael

I, 159, 338

Macius, Rafael

I, 159, 338

Mackelburger, Anna

I, 252, 342;  II, 143, 281

Mackelburger, John F.

II, 143, 281

Mackelburger, Margaret

II, 143, 281

Mackenzie, Ralph W.

I, 159, 357

Mackey, Fred

I, 160, 297

Mackey, J. W. [Miss]

I, 152, 297

Mackey, J. W. [Mrs]

I, 152, 159, 160, 297

Mackey, M.

I, 159, 308

Mackey, Mark

I, 159, 308

Mackie, Mark

II, 143, 270

MacLean, Charles

II, 143, 304

MacLean, Charles M.

II, 143, 304

MacLean, Etta

II, 143, 304

Macom, Eva M.

I, 160, 331

Macom, William J.

II, 143, 278

Macom, Wm. J.

I, 160, 331

Macy, Raymond J.

II, 145, 288

Maddux, Larry

II, 143, 319

Madge, Silas

I, 7, 233, 293

Madge, Silas S.

I, 160, 293


I, 7, 293

Madison, Donald

I, 160, 345

Madsen, A. F.

II, 143, 333

Madsen, Alvin

II, 143, 333

Madsen, Andrew

I, 160, 325;  II, 143, 275

Madson, Donald

I, 160, 345

Maedcke, Nickels-Hill for

II, 143, 319

Magde, John

II, 143, 325

Magnus, Bertha

I, 24, 160, 192, 193, 335

Magnus, Bertha [Mrs]

I, 24, 335

Magnus, Peter

I, 52, 160, 316, 335

Magnus, Peter [Mrs]

I, 160, 316

Magruder, William

II, 26, 326


II, 26, 326

Magy, Joseph

I, 183, 331

Mahasone, Toyo

I, 229, 370

Maher, Phillip B.

II, 144, 308

Mahler, [Mrs]

I, 160, 290

Mahnken, Thomas

II, 144, 324

Mahoney, Clara

II, 144, 298

Major, Dorothy

II, 144, 333

Malcolm, Geo.

I, 63, 160, 161, 322;  II, 54, 274

Malcolm, George

II, 78, 132, 274, 323

Malcolm, Marjorie

II, 144, 274

Malinak, Paul J.

II, 144, 304

Malinowski, Helen

II, 144, 289

Malinowski, Tom

II, 144, 289

Mallatte, D. E. [Mrs]

II, 144, 276

Mallatte, Mattie M.

II, 144, 276

Malone, Herman

I, 161, 356

Malone, John A. [Mrs]

I, 161, 354

Maloney, Delbert W.

II, 144, 303

Maloney, James E.

I, 161, 331

Maloney, John

II, 127, 314

Maloney, John M.

II, 144, 314

Maloy, Earl

I, 161, 369

Maloy, J. M.

I, 161, 355

Maloy, James M.

II, 144, 297

Mancuso, Lori A.

II, 144, 294

Mancuso, Michael C.

II, 144, 294

Mann, Velma E. [Mrs]

II, 145, 330

Manro, Helen Holt

II, 91, 293

Mantych, Cecille A.

II, 145, 293

Manuez, Edward A.

II, 145, 326

Manzer, Geo. E.

I, 161, 353

Manzer, George

I, 161, 353

Maple, Ross E.

II, 145, 306

Mara, Vincent P.

II, 145, 318

Marand, Clyde H.

II, 145, 309

Marbes, Dorothy

II, 60, 293

March, Jesse I.

I, 161, 345


II, 145, 282

Marcheori, Helen E.

II, 41, 333

Marchiori, Chester

I, 161, 344

Marchiori, Helen

II, 83, 333

Marcus, Jim

II, 145, 291


II, 28, 302

Marcy, N. L.

I, 16, 

Mares, Alfred

II, 76, 292

Mares, Alfred L.

II, 76, 292

Mares, Betty

II, 76, 292

Marica, Glen E.

II, 145, 286

Markle, Edith

II, 145, 321

Markle, Harvey

I, 161, 311

Markle, Jesse B.

I, 161, 311

Markle, Jesse B. [Mrs]

I, 161, 311


II, 145, 321

Marks, Wanda

II, 176, 289

Markuson, W. L.

I, 161, 339

Marn, Howard [Mrs]

II, 145, 331

Marquard, Betty

II, 148, 320

Marquez, Frank

I, 162, 339

Marquez, John

I, 162, 339

Marquez, Jose J.

I, 162, 338

Marquez, Lawrence B.

II, 145, 330

Marrese, Val

II, 145, 287

Marriott, [Mr & Mrs]

II, 146, 319

Martens, Fred E.

II, 146, 269

Martens, Velma

II, 146, 269

Martin, [Mr]

I, 162, 320;  II, 146, 323

Martin, A. H. [Mrs]

I, 162, 307

Martin, Brunhilde

II, 147, 288

Martin, Burton L.

II, 147, 334

Martin, Dale

II, 146, 288

Martin, E. E. [Mrs]

I, 162, 328

Martin, Edward E. [Mrs]

I, 162, 328

Martin, Eva

I, 27, 333

Martin, Hester I.

II, 146, 320

Martin, James E.

II, 147, 326

Martin, John [Jr]

I, 162, 333;  II, 124, 279

Martin, John W.

II, 146, 305

Martin, Lawana

II, 147, 323

Martin, Lee

I, 140, 162, 163, 354, 360

Martin, Lena

II, 147, 326

Martin, Lena [Mrs]

II, 146, 326

Martin, Levi

I, 140, 354

Martin, Lola

II, 146, 288

Martin, Louise

II, 146, 316

Martin, Louise E.

II, 147, 316

Martin, Lyle W.

II, 146, 316

Martin, Marion E.

I, 162, 317

Martin, Mary C.

I, 162, 337

Martin, Melvin

II, 146, 319

Martin, Reinhold

II, 147, 288

Martin, Ricardo

II, 146, 269

Martin, Richard B.

II, 146, 306


II, 146, 147, 269, 320

Martinez, Ben

II, 208, 290

Martinez, Debbie

II, 147, 311

Martinez, Denise

II, 147, 311

Martinez, Valentin

II, 147, 332

Martiniz, Mary

II, 46, 306

Marvel, Paul

I, 163, 344

Marymee, Mary P.

I, 163, 355

Marymee, Wm. E.

I, 162, 354

Maryott, V. L. [Mrs]

I, 163, 333

Masey, John

II, 51, 299

Mash, Cecil [Mrs]

II, 158, 298

Mash, Clarence E.

II, 147, 301

Mason, Charles

II, 147, 294

Mason, Dwight [Mrs]

I, 163, 317

Mason, Theda

II, 147, 294

Massey, [Mr]

I, 251, 363

Massey, Theo. [Mrs]

I, 163, 363

Massey, William

I, 163, 357

Massey, Winchester

I, 163, 363

Massie, Joseph F. [Mr & Mrs]

II, 148, 322

Massy, W.

I, 163, 363

Master, Lee [Mrs]

I, 23, 306

Mather, [Mrs]

I, 163, 330

Mather, Hariette

II, 125, 309

Mather, Jennie S.

I, 163, 307

Mathew, Thomas

I, 164, 329

Mathews, [Mr]

I, 164, 362

Mathews, John L.

II, 148, 288

Mathews, Leo

II, 148, 322

Mathews, Robt.

I, 164, 345

Mathews, T. A.

I, 114, 364

Mathews, Thomas

I, 164, 329, 330;  II, 148, 277


II, 148, 309

Mathis, J.

I, 164, 305

Mathis, John M.

II, 148, 269

Mathis, Robert [Mrs]

I, 186, 330

Matsch, Wm. J.

II, 6, 307

Matteria, Marceline

II, 15, 275

Mattheisen, Ruth

II, 148, 291

Matthews, Edith

II, 148, 302

Matthews, Thomas

I, 164, 330

Matthews, Willis

II, 148, 302

Mattson, Ward

II, 148, 323

Maul, [Mrs]

II, 24, 312

Mauldin, Gladys

II, 146, 288

Maxwell, Harry

I, 75, 164, 360;  II, 47, 299

Maxwell, Mila

II, 148, 320

Maxwell, Mila L.

II, 148, 320

Maxwell, Robert

II, 148, 320


II, 50, 285

May, John E.

II, 148, 317

May, Lucille

II, 226, 270

May, Raymond [Mrs]

II, 149, 334

Mayer, Fred

II, 149, 312

Mayer, June H.

II, 189, 279

Mayers, J. B.

I, 40, 314

Mayhew, Beulah E.

II, 149, 333

Mayhew, Estella

I, 188, 340

Mayhew, Pane

I, 188, 340

McAnulty, Billy

II, 149, 317

McAnulty, Myrtle

II, 149, 317

McAnulty, Myrtle S.

II, 149, 317

McArther, [Mrs]

I, 147, 

McArthur, H. K.

II, 26, 275

McBride, John P. [Mrs]

I, 165, 367

McBrien, Alfred

I, 165, 346

McBrien, John R. [Mrs]

II, 149, 305

McBroom, Isaac

I, 165, 203, 221, 291, 294

McBroom, J.

II, 51, 149, 268

McBroom, John

I, 114, 165, 221, 294

McBroom, Myrtle [Mrs]

II, 251, 307

McBroom, William

I, 41, 165, 294

McBroom, Wm

I, 165, 294


II, 50, 268

McCabe, Emma

I, 165, 356

McCall, Chas.

I, 265, 353

McCall, Don

I, 165, 349

McCallom, Florence

II, 150, 278

McCann, Belle

I, 165, 333

McCann, Belle [Mrs]

II, 149, 279

McCann, Charley

I, 165, 333

McCann, M. R. [Dr]

I, 165, 340

McCann, Paul

I, 165, 346

McCann, Wesley

II, 149, 279

McCann, Wesley W.

II, 149, 307

McCanna, Hugh

II, 149, 301

McCarthy, J. M.

I, 166, 168, 314

McCarthy, Joseph

II, 152, 271


II, 152, 271

McCarty, Del

II, 150, 288

McCarty, M. H.

II, 150, 288

McCarty, Merrill H.

II, 150, 288

McCarver, Margaret

II, 150, 292

McCarver, Margaret S.

II, 150, 292

McCashen, E. B.

I, 166, 290, 351


I, 225, 290

McCashen & Schnell,

II, 150, 267

McCasher, C. J.

II, 209, 267


I, 166, 290

McCasken, [Mr]

I, 166, 290

McCauley, A. C.

I, 166, 370;  II, 150, 334

McCauley, Daisy W.

II, 4, 334

McCauley, H. C.

I, 166, 303

McCauley, John K.

II, 209, 334


II, 4, 150, 334

McCleary, W. B.

I, 166, 363

McCleary, W. B. [Mrs]

I, 166, 363


II, 150, 290

McClurg, Martha

II, 150, 275

McClury, Martha E.

I, 166, 324

McColloch, Clyde [Mrs]

I, 66, 356

McCollum, M. W. [Mrs]

I, 166, 330

McCollum, Sam

II, 150, 304

McComas, Clarence B. [Jr]

II, 91, 293

McConlogue, Edward J. [Mrs]

I, 166, 325

McConnell, Glen

II, 150, 307

McConnell, Lawrence

II, 150, 307

McCormack, Gladys

I, 167, 325

McCoullough, W. C.

II, 20, 280

McCoy, Betty

II, 151, 290

McCoy, Lucile [Mrs]

I, 143, 333

McCracken, Delia E.

I, 167, 357

McCracken, H. J.

I, 167, 150, 337

McCracken, Robt S. [Mrs]

I, 167, 356

McCracken, W. J.

I, 167, 336


I, 225, 290;  II, 151, 280

McCray, David

II, 83, 320

McCreary, Geo S.

I, 167, 328

McCreary, George S.

II, 151, 277


II, 151, 277

McCrory, G. W.

I, 167, 336

McCually, R. C.

I, 167, 331

McCullock, [Mr]

I, 255, 338

McCullock, Rufus

I, 167, 168, 337, 338

McCullock, Rufus B.

I, 167, 168, 337

McCullock, Wm B.

I, 167, 168, 337, 338

McCullock, Wm.

I, 167, 255, 337, 338

McCullom, Florence

II, 150, 278

McCullough, B.

II, 151, 280


II, 151, 280

McCullum, Margaret W.

I, 166, 330

McDaniel, George

II, 151, 307

McDaniels, G. A. A.

I, 33, 

McDaniels, Geo. A.

II, 151, 307

McDavitt, Evelyn

II, 151, 305

McDermott, Edith A.

I, 168, 332

McDonald, [Mr]

I, 168, 319

McDonald, Michael

I, 168, 319

McDougal, Robert

II, 151, 291

McDougal, Robert L.

II, 199, 303

McEuen, Jacob W.

II, 152, 273


II, 152, 273

McEwan, Edith

I, 247, 319

McFall, Gretta

II, 152, 290

McFarland, Edith B.

II, 152, 316

McGaha, Glenn

I, 168, 325


II, 152, 271

McGarr, Paul

II, 152, 303

McGintie, Charla [Mrs]

II, 249, 282

McGintie, Charles [Mrs]

II, 24, 282

McGough, Margaret

I, 168, 345

McGowan, Ida

I, 168, 351

McGregor, Helen

II, 152, 274

McGuire, George W.

II, 152, 154, 299

McGuire, Ivy [Mrs]

I, 168, 328

McHone, Geneva

I, 205, 324

McIntyre, Bernie

II, 152, 311

McIntyre, Lillie

I, 168, 325


II, 153, 276

McKee, Herman L.

II, 153, 289

McKee, Ruth [Mrs]

II, 76, 309

McKelvey, J. A. [Mrs]

I, 151, 

McKenna, A. J.

II, 153, 289

McKenna, F. J. [Mrs]

I, 195, 347

McKenzie, Andrew A.

I, 169, 329

McKenzie, D. L.

I, 169, 328

McKinley, H. H. [Mrs]

II, 257, 323

McKinney, [Rev]

II, 153, 297

McKinney, R. A.

II, 153, 297

McKinney, Robert A.

II, 153, 297, 309

McKinnies, Joyce

II, 76, 320

McKinstry, Nettie

I, 169, 355


II, 153, 297

McLain, Alice

II, 97, 325

McLain, Morris

II, 97, 325

McLarney, John

II, 60, 313

McLaughlin, James B.

II, 153, 318

McLaughlin, Mabel

I, 111, 315

McLean, [Mrs]

I, 23, 114, 306, 363

McLean, C. F.

I, 169, 293

McLean, J. W.

I, 169, 365

McLean, J. W. [Mrs]

I, 114, 169, 363

McLean, John

II, 153, 327

McLean, Mary [Mrs]

I, 169, 293

McLemore, Clarence L.

II, 153, 325

McLemore, Wm. J.

II, 150, 325


II, 150, 325

McMahan, C. B.

I, 169, 325

McMahan, Charles B.

I, 169, 341

McMahan, Marie

II, 153, 327

McMahan, Raymond D.

II, 153, 326

McMahon, John

II, 153, 275

McManus, Russell E.

II, 153, 313

McMikell, Lester

I, 169, 345

McMillen, Lora J.

II, 163, 292

McMillian, Carlie W.

II, 154, 309

McMillian, R. F. Dick

II, 154, 309

McMillin, Ellsworth [Mrs]

I, 170, 335

McMillin, J. W.

I, 170, 360

McMillin, James

I, 170, 302

McMillin, Lee

I, 169, 301

McMillin, May C.

I, 169, 335

McMillin, Norval

I, 169, 170, 360

McMillin, May

I, 4, 56, 169, 170, 335


I, 170, 360

McMurtry, Della

I, 46, 324

McMurtry, Ira

I, 170, 333

McMurtry, Iva

II, 154, 279

McNamarra, [Mrs]

I, 104, 287

McNamarra, Margaret [Mrs]

I, 104, 287

McNay, Ralph

II, 36, 303

McNeeley, George R.

I, 170, 307

McNeil, [Mrs]

I, 170, 312

McNeil, Charles E.

II, 154, 325

McNeil, Mary E.

I, 170, 312

McNeil, Stella [Mrs]

II, 252, 321

McNeill, Mary E.

I, 37, 312

McNeill, Robert M.

II, 154, 318

McQuaid, Anna

II, 154, 302

McQuaid, Grace

II, 154, 268

McQuaid, Verta

II, 154, 302

McQuaid, Verta V.

II, 154, 302

McRae, Marrianne

II, 154, 331

McRay, C. E.

I, 170, 305

McVay, Ethel

I, 170, 339

McVay, Richard L.

I, 170, 341

McWilliams, Helen

II, 156, 275

McWilliams, J. E. [Mrs]

II, 19, 326

Meacham, Jessie

II, 54, 55, 270

Mead, Willie Mae

II, 154, 306

Medina, Mary

II, 154, 289

Medina, Roger [Jr]

II, 154, 320

Medkirk, Jess

I, 170, 312

Medkirk, Wm.

I, 170, 312

Medsker, Donald

II, 154, 304

Medsker, Dorothy

II, 155, 327

Meek, Jack

II, 140, 317

Mekelburg, John

I, 170, 344

Meketuk, Joseph

II, 155, 324

Melane, Edras M.

I, 170, 307

Melin, Alfred

I, 170, 171, 320

Mellon, Harry P. [Mrs]

I, 171, 311

Mellon, Hattie B.

I, 171, 311

Mercer, [Mrs]

I, 171, 361

Merchant, Fannie M.

I, 171, 332

Meredith, Carl J.

II, 29, 155, 303

Mericle, Grace

II, 155, 292

Merkling, Walter

II, 155, 321

Merling, Robert

II, 155, 332

Merten, Sallie

II, 155, 331

Mesloh, Wilmer H.

I, 171, 345

Meston, David [Jr]

II, 155, 306

Meston, Fern M.

II, 155, 286


II, 155, 286

Metsker, Suzanne

II, 155, 322

Metzger, [Mr]

I, 171, 327

Metzger, Wm.

I, 171, 327

Meyer, John

II, 156, 311

Meyers, Fred J.

II, 156, 319

Meyers, William C.

II, 156, 310

Michael, Albert J.

I, 171, 341

Michael, John W. [Mrs]

I, 171, 324

Michael, Olive [Mrs]

II, 156, 275

Michael, Velma

II, 230, 279

Michaels, Fred

I, 164, 171, 307, 361

Michaels, John L.

I, 164, 171, 307, 361

Mickelson, Earl S.

II, 156, 307

Middaugh, H. D.

I, 171, 340

Midkirk, [Mrs]

I, 172, 312

Midkirk, Jess S.

II, 156, 316

Midkirk, Jesse E.

II, 156, 267

Midkirk, William

I, 172, 312

Midkirk, Wm.

I, 172, 312

Midkirk, Wm. [Mrs]

I, 217, 294

Mikelson, Albert

I, 172, 322

Mikelson, Virginia

II, 147, 281

Milchoir, F.

I, 170, 343

Miles, Wm. B. [Mrs]

I, 172, 323

Millard, Dorothy

II, 156, 301, 302

Miller, [Mr]

I, 173, 319

Miller, [Mrs]

I, 172, 308

Miller, Alameda B.

I, 172, 308

Miller, Almeda

I, 172, 308

Miller, Amy E.

II, 156, 328

Miller, Blanche E.

II, 157, 269

Miller, Charles T.

II, 157, 275

Miller, Clara

II, 157, 318

Miller, Clell [Mrs]

I, 253, 316

Miller, Dianne

II, 98, 293

Miller, Dorothy

II, 157, 288

Miller, E. R.

I, 172, 319

Miller, Frank R.

I, 100, 367;  II, 156, 301

Miller, Frank R. [Mrs]

II, 156, 301

Miller, G. W. [Mrs]

I, 172, 319

Miller, Glenn

II, 145, 321

Miller, Harvey

I, 173, 324;  II, 157, 275

Miller, Helen M.

II, 157, 329

Miller, Henry W.

I, 173, 325

Miller, J. A.

I, 173, 369;  II, 157, 330

Miller, J. H.

I, 173, 201, 202, 336, 337;  II, 160, 299

Miller, Jacob A.

II, 157, 330

Miller, K.

I, 172, 174, 332

Miller, Keith Kae

II, 157, 314

Miller, Laura Anne

II, 256, 309

Miller, Mabel

I, 173, 346

Miller, Mae I.

II, 157, 314

Miller, Margaret R.

II, 157, 314

Miller, Martin P.

II, 225, 286

Miller, Marty

II, 157, 289

Miller, Nellie

I, 173, 319, 370

Miller, Nellie [Mrs]

I, 172, 319, 370

Miller, Nellie L. [Mrs]

II, 156, 305

Miller, O. G.

I, 173, 335

Miller, Orlando

I, 172, 173, 360

Miller, Oswald J.

I, 173, 370

Miller, Ruby

II, 158, 291

Miller, Sallie

I, 75, 347

Miller, Shirley

II, 139, 311

Miller, Theodore [Mrs]

I, 174, 331

Miller, Virgil O. [Mrs]

I, 174, 356

Miller, W. P. [Mrs]

II, 158, 306


I, 188, 336


II, 156, 157, 301, 314

Milligan, Debra E.

II, 158, 294

Milligan, John A.

II, 158, 294

Millison, J. E.

I, 174, 307

Millison, James E.

I, 174, 307

Minch, Henry

II, 158, 281

Minch, Lucy F.

II, 158, 282

Miner, Nell

I, 174, 332

Minet, Barbara

II, 184, 310

Minoque, Marjorie

II, 158, 282

Minshall, Minnie

I, 174, 367;  II, 158, 301

Minshall, Oscar A.

II, 158, 301

Mishorek, Irene

II, 158, 330

Misner, Myrtle

I, 174, 242, 288

Mitchel, [Mrs]

I, 174, 306, 316

Mitchel, J. C.

I, 88, 291

Mitchel, J. C. [Mrs]

I, 88, 291

Mitchel, John C.

I, 88, 291

Mitchell, Della

I, 174, 175, 343

Mitchell, Marion [Mrs]

I, 249, 356

Mitchell, Roy

II, 158, 320

Mitchell, Thomas M.

II, 204, 325

Mitchell, Wayne

II, 158, 287

Mitchell, Wayne B.

II, 158, 287

Moan, Lucy [Mrs]

I, 175, 308

Mock, Lois M. Hawn

II, 158, 277

Mock, Rolf

II, 159, 317

Modrell, Carrie B.

II, 159, 307

Modrell, Lee E.

II, 159, 307

Moeller, Alma

II, 159, 281

Moeller, Richard A.

II, 159, 303

Moeller, Richard E.

II, 159, 303

Moldenhaurer, Virginia D.

II, 159, 285

Molenaar, Anna

II, 159, 278

Molenaar, C. [Mrs]

I, 175, 332

Molnar, James P.

II, 159, 318

Molner, James S.

II, 159, 322

Monday, B.

I, 175, 360

Money, Dorothy

II, 159, 327


II, 159, 327


I, 175, 363

Monk, Dale

II, 159, 286

Montague, Lyle L.

II, 159, 315

Montague, Richard W.

II, 159, 276

Montes, Carl H.

II, 217, 324

Montgomery, Alice

I, 176, 363

Montgomery, Augusta

I, 175, 176, 303;  II, 159, 269

Montgomery, Augusta [Mrs]

I, 82, 176, 303

Montgomery, Clara J.

II, 160, 269

Montgomery, E. E.

II, 160, 332

Montgomery, Edward

I, 173, 175, 363

Montgomery, Edward [Mrs]

I, 173, 175, 363

Montgomery, Elzie E.

II, 160, 332

Montgomery, George

II, 116, 277

Montgomery, Glenn

II, 160, 282

Montgomery, H. G.

I, 176, 344

Montgomery, J. W.

I, 175, 303

Montgomery, Kathryn

II, 160, 332

Montgomery, Laura

II, 163, 304

Montgomery, Laura E.

II, 160, 228, 304

Montgomery, Lewis

I, 175, 303

Montgomery, Maude V.

I, 175, 351

Montgomery, Warren C.

II, 160, 304


II, 160, 282, 283

Monzingo, E. E.

II, 160, 307

Monzingo, E. E. [Sr]

II, 160, 307

Monzingo, Edw. E.

II, 160, 307

Moody, E. H.

I, 176, 307

Moody, Marlin

II, 160, 312

Moon, Harley

II, 161, 288

Moon, Harley F.

II, 160, 288

Moon, Ruth

II, 161, 288

Moon, Ruth M.

II, 160, 288

Mooney, Wm. A.

II, 161, 325

Moore, [Mr]

I, 176, 177, 304

Moore, [Mrs]

I, 156, 304

Moore, A. E. [Mrs]

I, 176, 346

Moore, C. L. [Mrs]

II, 161, 303

Moore, Darwin

II, 161, 309

Moore, Donald E.

II, 161, 287

Moore, Fred

I, 176, 177, 321

Moore, Fred M.

II, 161, 276

Moore, G. Cooper [Dr]

I, 252, 340

Moore, J. A.

II, 161, 303

Moore, Jack

II, 161, 331

Moore, Jack W.

II, 161, 331

Moore, Joan

II, 161, 331

Moore, Joe [Mrs]

I, 177, 305

Moore, Kenneth

II, 161, 298

Moore, Mattie

I, 177, 356

Moore, Mattie [Mrs]

I, 176, 356

Moore, Ray D.

I, 177, 345

Moore, Treiva

II, 207, 325

Moore, Verne

I, 222, 340

Moore, W. H.

I, 176, 349

Moore, Walter [Mrs]

I, 156, 304

Moore, Walter B.

I, 176, 177, 304;  II, 161, 269

Moore, Walter B. [Mrs]

I, 177, 304

Moore, Willis

I, 176, 177, 312

Moorhous, L. A.

I, 177, 341

Moorhouse, [Mr]

I, 177, 338

Moran, Eula Lee

II, 161, 334


II, 161, 334

Morand, LeRoy

I, 177, 344

Morehead, Cecil V.

I, 177, 332

Morehead, Roy [Mrs]

I, 177, 330

Mores, M. B.

II, 162, 317

Morgan, [Mr]

I, 177, 300

Morgan, [Mrs]

I, 178, 313

Morgan, James

II, 162, 290, 315

Morgan, Jane

II, 162, 325

Morgan, Jim

II, 162, 315

Morgan, Lucy J.

I, 178, 312, 313

Morgan, Lucy J. [Mrs]

I, 178, 312

Morgan, Oscar

I, 178, 337

Morgan, T. W. [Mrs]

I, 178, 312


II, 162, 315

Morganson, Hans

I, 178, 306

Morisch, Maze

I, 178, 353

Moritzky, Mary Ellen

I, 178, 346

Morley, Rex

I, 178, 326

Morley, Stephen

II, 162, 331

Morrill, T. O.

II, 162, 324

Morris, [Mr]

I, 179, 336

Morris, Amos

I, 179, 336

Morris, Ann [Mrs]

II, 162, 322

Morris, Earl C. [Mrs]

II, 162, 280

Morris, H. Earl

I, 178, 347

Morris, Henry N.

I, 178, 337

Morris, Homer

II, 162, 314

Morris, Levi F.

I, 179, 291

Morris, Walter O.

II, 162, 318

Morrison, Charles

II, 163, 291, 333


II, 163, 333

Morrow, David C.

II, 145, 320

Morse, Arval

II, 163, 318

Morse, Jerome [Mr & Mrs]

II, 163, 286

Mortier, Dorothy

I, 179, 323;  II, 163, 274

Moses, Donald L.

II, 163, 319

Mosher, Minnie C.

II, 163, 306

Mosher, Rose

II, 163, 292

Moss, Connie

II, 163, 291

Moss, Marie

I, 179, 333

Moss, Robert

II, 163, 315

Moss, Vada

I, 179, 340

Moxley, Lee [Mrs]

I, 133, 339

Moyers, Jennie S.

II, 164, 316

Moyers, Ross B.

II, 164, 316

Mudgett, Elmer

II, 164, 314

Mudra, Emelia C.

II, 164, 274

Mudra, Emelia Caroline [Mrs]

I, 179, 322

Mular, Evelyn

II, 164, 314

Mular, Evelyn B.

II, 164, 314

Mular, Paul

II, 164, 314

Mull, Doris

II, 188, 318

Mullins, David

II, 164, 319

Mullins, David Mack

II, 164, 320

Mullis, [Mrs]

I, 180, 364

Mullis, Gail

I, 100, 180, 325

Mullis, Juanita

II, 164, 324

Mullis, Lizzie

I, 180, 364

Mulqueen, J. A.

I, 204, 329

Munhollon, Alyene

II, 165, 312

Munn, Thomas

II, 165, 297

Munn, Thomas [Mrs]

II, 165, 297

Munn, Thos. [Mrs]

I, 257, 354

Munoz, Carmen

II, 165, 322

Munser, Nancy Kay

II, 91, 285

Murphy, E. V.

I, 180, 354

Murphy, J. H.

I, 48, 180, 328, 355

Murphy, J. J.

I, 180, 328

Murphy, Joseph

II, 165, 292

Murphy, Laura

I, 180, 323;  II, 165, 274

Murphy, Margaret

II, 165, 329

Murphy, T. A.

I, 47, 356


II, 165, 292

Murray, [Mr]

I, 181, 319

Murray, Florence Audrey

II, 165, 312

Murray, Frank [Mrs]

II, 165, 286

Murray, George

II, 151, 308

Murray, J. E.

I, 180, 181, 319;  II, 165, 273

Murray, James

I, 180, 345

Murray, Noreen

II, 165, 293

Murray, Sam A.

II, 165, 308

Murray, William E.

I, 180, 355

Murrin, Lawrence H.

II, 166, 292

Musial, Mike

I, 181, 339

Mussell, J. A. [Rev]

I, 181, 302

Mutter, Frank

II, 166, 308

Myers, Electra C.

I, 191, 303

Myers, Fred W.

I, 181, 330

Myers, J. B.

I, 181, 314

Myers, James H.

I, 272, 335

Myers, John

I, 181, 314

Myers, John

II, 22, 269

Myers, John B.

I, 164, 314

Myers, John B. [Mrs]

I, 164, 314

Myers, John F.

II, 22, 269

Myler, Olive

I, 20, 181, 292